ace warm marriage

Chapter 1528 Solve hidden dangers

Chapter 1528 Solve hidden dangers ([-])

Seeing them eating lively, the picnickers next to them were envious, and brought the food they had prepared to share with everyone.

One family made dumplings, and the other family made barbecue.

It looks okay, but the taste is not very good.

Seeing the enthusiasm of others, Mr. Si also invited them to sit down and eat together.Those people have long been greedy for the dishes cooked by Sheng Fenghua, but when Si Lao opened his mouth, it was precisely their desire.

They sat down and got some dishes that they had been craving for a long time.One sip, the taste is absolutely amazing.

"This dish is delicious."

"Yeah, this skill is almost as good as that of a chef in a hotel."

Hearing everyone's praise, Sheng Fenghua smiled and ate silently.She and Si Zhanbei both eat very fast, which was trained in the army.

After the couple had dinner, they wanted to take over the work of coaxing the children from Yang Wence's hands, and let Yang Wence go to dinner properly.

But he didn't want to, Yang Wence said: "Uncle Zhanbei, Aunt Fenghua, let me take care of my younger siblings. As for eating, I'm already full."

"That's all right, take care of them, let's pack up." Sheng Fenghua knew that Yang Wence had eaten from the beginning, so he didn't say much.

"Don't worry." Yang Wence waved his hand towards Sheng Fenghua, then turned to tease the two children again.

Sheng Fenghua looked at it, exchanged glances with Si Zhanbei, and then went to pack his things.

Because of the large number of people, it took a long time to eat.After Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua packed up all the things they didn't need, everyone still hadn't left, and they were still eating and chatting.

The husband and wife did not bother everyone, but went for a walk together.

But at this time, the police station sent a large number of police forces to the place where Qian Shunhua lived.They have determined that Qian Shunhua is the head of the foreign drug dealer group in China.

The police soon arrived at the place where Qian Shunhua lived and surrounded his room.

At this time, Qian Shunhua was talking with his subordinates at home.If Liu Guihua were here, she would definitely find that Qian Shunhua's subordinate was the man in sunglasses who went to their house.

"He Dongfeng is dead?" Qian Shunhua couldn't believe it.Doesn't He Dongfeng still have a few months to live?How did he die?

"That's right, Boss, I didn't expect that He Dongfeng would die so soon. Besides, what we asked them to do has not yet been completed."

"If you die, you die. We can't argue with a dead person."

"Boss, they took 10,000+ yuan from us. If nothing is done, the money must be returned, right?"

"Forget it, don't make extra troubles. The police are watching closely recently, and we are going to hide abroad for a while. I have already bought the ticket for the afternoon. You can pack up later, and we will leave immediately."

"Boss, we really don't want that money anymore? But what about 10,000+."

"Is life more important or money more important?" Qian Shunhua glanced at his subordinates angrily, then got up and went back to the room.

However, as soon as he entered the room, he heard a knock on the door.So, he ordered his subordinates: "Go and see who it is?"

"Yes, boss!" The subordinate replied, and then went to see who was knocking on the door.

When he got to the door, he first took a look through the cat's eyes.When he saw the police coming outside, he panicked and shouted loudly: "Boss, boss, it's not good, the police are here."

Qian Shunhua, who was packing things in the house, heard this, his expression changed, and he asked, "What did you say, the police are here?"

(End of this chapter)

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