ace warm marriage

Chapter 1529 Solve hidden dangers

Chapter 1529 Solving hidden dangers ([-])

"Yes, boss, the police are here, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Run away!" Qian Shunhua ran towards the kitchen while talking.There are policemen outside this door, so he must not be able to go through the door.Apart from the door, the only place to escape is the window.

In order not to be caught by the police, they had to jump out of the window.However, when Qian Shunhua was in a hurry, he forgot that they lived in a high-rise building, and the distance from the window to the ground was tens of meters.

If you jump down, you will be disabled if you don't die.

How to do?
Qian Shunhua sat on the window sill, looking at the ground tens of meters high, not daring to jump.As for his subordinates, seeing that he was on the window sill, they naturally did not lag behind and followed.

The two sat on the window sill, listening to the loud knocking on the door, feeling anxious.

But no matter how anxious they are, they dare not jump.

The police knocked on the outside for a while, but no one came to answer the door, and suddenly felt bad.So, he didn't care much anymore, and directly smashed the door open.

Once the police entered the house, they found no trace of Qian Shunhua, so they couldn't help looking around.At this moment, Qian Shunhua, who was sitting on the window sill, felt his feet go limp.If you want to get down, you can't get down, so you can only sit like this.

The police quickly spotted the two on the windowsill and ordered them to come down.

When Qian Shunhua saw the police, he was so frightened at the thought of going to jail that he jumped out of the window sill.

In the middle of the jump, Qian Shunhua regretted it again and shouted for help.But it was already too late, no one could save him, he could only watch helplessly as he had a close contact with the ground, then his head was bleeding and he lost consciousness.

When Qian Shunhua's subordinates heard his shout and saw him fall, they fainted from fright and fell to the floor.

The police came forward, handcuffed him, and took him away.

As for Qian Shunhua who fell, he was taken away by an ambulance.It's a pity that the fall was too severe, and he died before reaching the hospital.

Qian Shunhua died, Sheng Fenghua's troubles were solved, and the hidden dangers he brought were also eliminated.

With no hidden dangers, Sheng Fenghua was relieved.She and the children stayed in the military region for another week, and then reluctantly said goodbye to Si Zhanbei and Sister-in-law Yue, and went back to City B.

Back in City B, Sheng Fenghua became the shopkeeper again.The work of raising the children was taken away by his mother, Ye Qingge.

During the time they left, Ye Qingge thought about these two children all the time.

So, as soon as they came back, Ye Qingge wished he could stay with them and never leave.

Sheng Fenghua watched and knew that his mother was thinking of a child, so he acted as the shopkeeper in the open and aboveboard.

After Mr. Si came back, he went back to the mansion to rest.Although they came back by plane, he was still very tired after all because of his age.

Ning Minglie, who was at work, was overjoyed when he heard his daughter and grandchildren came back, so he got off the morning shift and returned home before five o'clock, and then went straight to Sheng Fenghua's house.

When I arrived at Sheng Fenghua's house, I saw his wife playing with his grandchildren, and Ning Minglie also joined in.

"Where's Fenghua?" Ning Minglie looked around but couldn't see Sheng Fenghua, so he couldn't help asking.

"I asked her to go back to her room to rest." Ye Qingge said embarrassedly, and drove Sheng Fenghua away by himself.However, Sheng Fenghua was indeed tired with his two children along the way.

Therefore, as soon as Ye Qingge chased her away, he obediently went to rest.

However, when Sheng Fenghua was falling asleep, a major event happened in the desert in the northwest of Huaxia.

(End of this chapter)

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