ace warm marriage

Chapter 1530 Fenghua returns to the team

Chapter 1530 Fenghua returns to the team ([-])

In the great desert in the northwest of China, there is a green city.Greentown is the only place in the desert with a source of water, and it is also the station of the oil mining workers and the Third Battalion of the Border Guard Regiment in the nearby desert.

At one o'clock in the afternoon when Sheng Fenghua returned to City B, a big incident happened in Green City. The third battalion of the defense regiment was attacked by terrorists, the oil workers were imprisoned, and the extracted oil was transported away.

This news shocked the leaders of the country, and immediately ordered the Northern Military Region to set up a special combat unit to go to Greentown to eliminate terrorists.

In order to find out the enemy's situation, the superior decided to send the Lone Wolf Special Forces to investigate.

After receiving the mission, Si Zhanbei and the others were very excited, wishing they could carry out the mission right away.However, the superiors were a little worried, because there was no doctor in the Lone Wolf Special Forces, and the situation in Green City was unknown.What's more, they have to pass through the desert. In case they are attacked in the desert, there is not even an emergency doctor.

Si Zhanbei looked at Commissar Yang who was frowning, and asked involuntarily, "Commissar Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Commissar Yang glanced at Si Zhanbei, feeling a little hesitant.Sheng Fenghua was still a member of the Lone Wolf so far.But he kept refusing to let her return to the team because of the consideration of Si Zhanbei's family.

But now, the situation is more critical, he wants Sheng Fenghua to participate, but he feels a little sorry for Si Zhanbei.

"Political Commissar, if you have anything to say, just speak up." Si Zhanbei saw Commissar Yang's hesitation, and said loudly.He could see that Commissar Yang was worried about him.

"Zhanbei, this mission is more dangerous. I want to transfer Fenghua back to cooperate with you in carrying out the mission. What do you think?"

"Let Fenghua come back?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback, he never thought of letting Sheng Fenghua come back to carry out his mission.Although he also knew that Sheng Fenghua really wanted to come back, but he still hoped that she could grow up with the children.

After all, he can no longer be with the child all the time, can't both of them be by the child's side?
"Zhan Bei, I know the situation at your home. But this time, you are going to a different place. If you are injured, there will be no doctor nearby, so you must take a doctor with you when you leave."

"And Fenghua is the best candidate. One is that she was originally a member of your team, and the other is that she has superb medical skills to ensure that you come back alive."

"Political commissar, I understand." Si Zhanbei nodded and said, "I'll go talk to Fenghua right now."

"Okay, you go. If Fenghua doesn't want to, I'll talk to her again." Commissar Yang patted Si Zhanbei on the shoulder.

He hoped that none of them would be missing, and that they would all come back alive.

In the last mission, Lone Wolf had already lost several people, and he didn't want to lose again this time.

Si Zhanbei nodded, then walked aside to make a phone call.In fact, he knew in his heart that as long as he made a phone call, his little wife would definitely rush over without saying a word.

The most difficult thing is that after this mission, it will not be so easy to get her to quit.

Sheng Fenghua was still sleeping when the phone rang.After several rings, Sheng Fenghua picked it up: "Hello!"

"Daughter-in-law, it's me!" Si Zhanbei's voice came from next to his ear, Sheng Fenghua woke up quickly, and asked, "Zhanbei, why are you calling at this time? Is there something wrong?"

"Daughter-in-law, we are going to perform a mission soon, and the superior requires you to return to the team immediately."

"What did you say?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a long time before he could react.She begged Commissar Yang several times before, but refused to let her return to the team, but now Si Zhanbei asked her to return to the team. Could it be to coax her?
(End of this chapter)

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