ace warm marriage

Chapter 1531 Fenghua returns to the team

Chapter 1531 Fenghua returns to the team ([-])

Si Zhanbei knew that his little wife was in a daze, so he said in a very serious tone: "Comrade Sheng Fenghua, as the captain of the Lone Wolf Battalion, I order you to return to the team immediately!"

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua replied loudly, knowing that his return to the team was not a dream, he immediately became happy.

"The task is urgent, you should return to the team immediately."

"Understood!" Sheng Fenghua got up quickly, and then ran downstairs with a bang.Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie, who were looking at the children in the hall, saw Sheng Fenghua running down in a hurry, could not help but frowned, and asked, "Fenghua, what's wrong with you, you are in a hurry."

"Mom and Dad, I have something to do and I have to leave for a while. The child will be handed over to you first." Sheng Fenghua didn't even take the leave while talking, kissed the babies each, and went straight out the door.

She remembered that there was another flight in the afternoon, flying to City A.She has to catch up.

"Fenghua, when are you coming back?" Ye Qingge asked after a few steps.

"Not sure yet." After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua had already driven the car and ran away.

"What's wrong with this child?" Ye Qingge frowned even deeper, looking at Sheng Fenghua who disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ning Minglie, on the other hand, looked at Sheng Fenghua's leaving back and thought deeply.Although Sheng Fenghua never told them what her job was.

But after getting along for so long, he had already guessed it.

Now, seeing Sheng Fenghua leave in such a hurry, he confirmed his guess even more.

"Leave her alone, it should be about work." Ning Minglie comforted his wife, and then went to tease the little ones.

Besides, after Sheng Fenghua left home, he got on the plane in the last 10 minutes before the plane took off.Because she didn't buy a ticket in advance and didn't have a seat, she could only stand.

However, she was able to board the plane only by showing her military ID card and having someone call the airport in advance, so that she could board the plane smoothly.

Si Zhanbei knew that Sheng Fenghua was on the plane, and asked Dayong to drive to the airport to wait. When Sheng Fenghua arrived, he would be sent directly to the army, and then took a helicopter to the desert.

"Captain, didn't the political commissar say that the mission is urgent? Why don't we start yet?" The team members under his command couldn't help but ask Si Zhanbei.Everything was ready and they were waiting to go.

But this time, I have been waiting for two hours. When will we start?If you wait any longer, it will be dark.

"Wait!" Si Zhanbei spat out two words lightly, then looked up at the sky, wondering where Sheng Fenghua had gone.

After waiting for another hour, it was already time to get off work in the afternoon.Sheng Fenghua hadn't arrived yet, so Si Zhanbei had no choice but to let the team members go to eat first.And he himself went to the door and waited.

"The captain isn't eating yet?" The team members muttered softly when they saw that Si Zhanbei was walking in a direction other than the cafeteria.

"Who knows?"

"Don't worry about what to do, hurry up, go to dinner, and leave after dinner." Qin Feng listened to the discussion of the team members, and said something.

"Yes!" Everyone stopped talking and hurried to the cafeteria.

Besides, Si Zhanbei arrived at the gate and looked towards the road.After waiting for more than ten minutes, I finally saw a familiar vehicle and couldn't help but feel happy.

He knew that Sheng Fenghua was here.

Sure enough, not long after, the car stopped in front of him, and Sheng Fenghua got out of the car.

"Daughter-in-law, you're here!" Si Zhanbei stepped forward, ready to help his little wife with things.But found that she was empty-handed and took nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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