ace warm marriage

Chapter 1532 Fenghua returns to the team

Chapter 1532 Fenghua returns to the team ([-])

"Where's your luggage?"

"No!" Sheng Fenghua said goodbye to Dayong, and followed Si Zhanbei into the gate of the army.

"Let's go, go to eat first, after dinner, we will start right away."

"it is good!"

When Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to the cafeteria, he happened to meet the team members who had eaten.When the team members saw Sheng Fenghua walking with Si Zhanbei, they realized that the person the captain was waiting for was his sister-in-law.

So, everyone laughed, greeted Sheng Fenghua one by one, and kept shouting: "Sister-in-law!"

"Hello!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and followed Si Zhanbei to the cafeteria.At the entrance of the cafeteria, the two met Qin Feng and Hu Dongyang. Si Zhanbei said to Qin Feng, "Qin Feng, bring out Fenghua's equipment and the medicine box."

"Okay!" Qin Feng nodded, and when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was going to go on a mission with them, he became happy.

To be honest, every time I go out on a mission, it is a troublesome thing to not have a doctor.Although the team members have learned how to bandage simply, how can they compare with professional doctors?

Si Zhanbei took his little wife to the cafeteria to have dinner, and after the meal, went to the gathering place.Qin Feng has already taken Sheng Fenghua's clothes and equipment.

Sheng Fenghua checked the things and found that everything was complete, then went to the nearby bathroom to change clothes.

When she came out after changing clothes, the helicopter was already waiting.So, a group of people quickly boarded the plane and headed for the desert.

After boarding the plane, the soldiers looked at Si Zhanbei and asked about this mission.

"Captain, we are in such a hurry this time, what task are we going to perform?" Hu Dongyang has always been a chatterbox, and he is always the first to speak when asking questions.

"Go to the Great Desert." Si Zhanbei replied lightly, then took out a document from his side, handed it to the person beside him, and said, "This is the specific content of the mission, please circulate it."

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, everyone circulated the documents, and only then did they know that terrorists had been found in Green City, which was located in the middle of the desert.

And those workers were also controlled by terrorists, and I don't know if they are still safe.

"Damn terrorists, they are too arrogant. We must kill them all."

"Who says it's not? They dare to come to our country to act wildly. We must not let them go."

"That's right, we must not let them go."

Si Zhanbei looked at his subordinates filled with righteous indignation, and said with a serious face: "This is an international terrorist organization. They have already attacked many countries. We must be careful this time. We must not only attack the opponent's arrogance, We need to wipe them out as much as possible.”

"Of course, we also need to ensure the safety of the hostages."

"Captain, don't worry, we understand."

"It's good to understand. Now everyone rests first, and there are still six hours to get to the place. After the rest is over, we will give them a good meal."

"Yes!" Everyone responded, then closed their eyes and rested.

Seeing that the soldiers had rested, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua looked at each other and closed their eyes.In order to make Sheng Fenghua sleep more comfortably, Si Zhanbei put his arms around her waist and let her lean on him.

When approaching the destination, the pilot of the helicopter sounded to remind everyone to prepare for landing.

Hearing the reminder, everyone immediately opened their eyes, checked their equipment, and were ready to land at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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