ace warm marriage

Chapter 1533 Fenghua returns to the team

Chapter 1533 Fenghua returns to the team ([-])

Five minutes later, the destination arrived, the helicopter flew at low altitude, and the team members fell to the ground one by one along the rope.

Si Zhanbei was the last one to land. As soon as he landed, he was asked to count the number of people.

Because it is night, the sight is not very good, not to mention it is still in the desert, so be more careful.Fortunately, everyone was there, so Si Zhanbei felt relieved, and then said to everyone: "Where we are now, we are still [-] kilometers away from our destination, Green City, and we need to walk on foot."

"For the sake of safety, we stopped resting at night and rushed all night."

"Understood!" Everyone responded, and then quickly gathered together, approaching the direction of Green City.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that they had only walked about five kilometers when a heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky.

The torrential downpour drenched everyone in an instant.

And because the heavy rain affected the line of sight, the march was much slower.And the sandy road is difficult to walk at all.

Qin Feng saw that going on like this was not an option, so he approached Si Zhanbei and discussed, "Lone wolf, can we find a place to shelter from the rain, and wait until the rain stops."

"There is nothing in this big desert. Where can I go to take shelter from the rain?" Si Zhanbei naturally didn't want everyone to get wet, but in this desert, apart from sand, there is not even a tree in the sand, so where would there be shelter? Where is it raining?
"I know there is a place about a kilometer away from here, there is a ruin, I should be able to avoid it." Qin Feng thought for a while and said.

"Alright then, as you said, we'll go to the ruins to take shelter from the rain."

"Okay!" Qin Feng responded, and then said to the soldiers: "Everyone come with me, let's find a place to shelter from the rain."

Originally, the temperature of the sandy ground varied greatly between day and night, but now the soldiers were drenched by the torrential rain, and it became colder and colder.So when I heard that there was a place to shelter from the rain, I naturally followed it without saying a word.

Qin Feng leads the way. He has been to this place once and is relatively familiar with it.This way, they don't have to find a guide anymore.

A distance of one kilometer, if it is changed to normal, it will take ten minutes.But now, because of the heavy rain, the sky is too dark, and the sand traps the feet, making it difficult to move an inch.

Therefore, in just one kilometer, the soldiers did not arrive after walking for 10 minutes.

"Everyone, work hard, we will be there soon." Qin Feng saw that everyone was about to be unable to move, so he started to encourage everyone.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, everyone cheered up and walked forward.Si Zhanbei walked beside Sheng Fenghua, supporting her from time to time.

Most of the equipment on her body has also been placed on Si Zhanbei's body. Seeing that she is walking hard, Si Zhanbei is also going to take the gun she is carrying.

"Zhan Bei, no need, I can do it myself." Sheng Fenghua shook his head and rejected Si Zhanbei.He's already carried a lot of things for her, and she doesn't want to tire him out.

Sheng Fenghua didn't want to exhaust Si Zhanbei, but why would Si Zhanbei want to exhaust his little wife.So, even if Sheng Fenghua refused, he still took her gun without saying a word, and carried it on his back.

Hu Dongyang, who was walking behind, saw that Si Zhanbei was carrying too many things, so he stepped forward and said, "Captain, give me some things."

"It's okay, I can handle it, you can watch the way yourself."

Hu Dongyang saw that Si Zhanbei was unwilling to give things to him, so he had to walk a few steps quickly, walked to Sheng Fenghua's side, and said, "Sister-in-law, I will protect you by the side."

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei's face darkened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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