ace warm marriage

Chapter 1535 Encountering a Horse Bandit

Chapter 1535 Encountering a Horse Bandit ([-])

Two others were leaning against the pillars in front of the fire, dozing, as if at night watch.

The fox and the little stone looked at each other, then quickly dodged in front of the two night watchmen, knocked them unconscious with a knife in one hand.

After knocking out the night watchman, the four quickly dived towards those lying on the ground.There were more than a dozen people lying there, and it would be impossible to rely on the four of them alone.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei and the others didn't all wait outside, but left two people guarding the exit, while the others went in quietly.

After everyone got inside, there were only a dozen or so people.

Those people slept relatively deeply, and they didn't wake up until they were surrounded by Si Zhanbei and the others, and then looked at them in surprise.

"Who are you?" One of them, looking like the head of the gang, asked after seeing Si Zhanbei and others in full armor.

"Isn't this the question we should ask you?" Si Zhanbei replied flatly. These people were carrying guns and looked like horse bandits.However, they don't know if there are horse bandits in this area.

"We are the aborigines on the side of Green City." The man replied, and then asked: "Now, can you tell us who you are?"

"The Chinese People's Liberation Army." Si Zhanbei asked lightly, and then asked again: "Why are you here?"

"We're passing by!"

Although it could be seen that the other party was not a good person, Si Zhanbei and the others adhered to the principle that no one offends me and I will not offend others, and did not attack these people.

These people were quite sensible, knowing that they were not Si Zhanbei's opponent, they didn't act rashly.

"Put down the gun, let's go over there." Youfang confronted for a while, and Si Zhanbei suddenly said.It's hard to judge the identities of these people, and since they have missions ahead of them, it's not advisable to make extra troubles.

Seeing Si Zhanbei and others retreat to the side, the horse bandits breathed a sigh of relief.Bandits don't fight officials, they are not brave enough to confront China's People's Liberation Army head-on.

Therefore, in order to gain goodwill, these horse bandits saw that Si Zhanbei and the others had no firewood, and specially distributed some of the firewood from their own side to them.

"Thank you!" Si Zhanbei did not refuse, thanked the other party, and did not relax his vigilance.After the fire is lit, let the two be in charge of sentry.

"Little Shitou, go and call them in." Si Zhanbei ordered.Since the inside is temporarily safe, people outside cannot stay outside.

"Yes!" Xiao Shitou replied, and then quickly went out, calling in the two brothers outside.

The others had already sat down by the fire.

Although there was a fire, everyone didn't take off their wet clothes, but just put them on and roasted them.Because the identities of these people are unknown, they dare not dismount.

Seeing that everyone couldn't take off their clothes to bake, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to take out a bottle of pills from the medicine box and share them with everyone, so as not to get sick and catch a cold later.

Everyone never doubted what Sheng Fenghua gave, so after receiving it, they swallowed it directly.As soon as the pills entered their stomachs, a warm current rose from their hearts, and gradually spread throughout their limbs, driving away the coldness from their bodies bit by bit.

Half an hour later, although the clothes on everyone's bodies were not dry, they didn't feel cold anymore.

Seeing that it was getting late and it was raining heavily outside again, Si Zhanbei told everyone to take the time to rest and take turns to watch the night.

The night gradually deepened, and the horse bandits fell asleep again.Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua leaned together, communicating in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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