ace warm marriage

Chapter 1536 Encountering a Horse Bandit

Chapter 1536 Encountering a Horse Bandit ([-])

"These people don't look like good people. Could they be terrorists?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at those people and asked.

When she was around them just now, she had already smelled it. Their bodies smelled of blood, and it was obvious that they had killed someone.

Moreover, they carry guns with them, and they don't look like ordinary people.In China, only soldiers and policemen can carry guns with them in a fair manner.

As for the guns in other people's hands, they are all illegal and not obtained through legitimate channels.

And these people, since they look like they are not soldiers, are not policemen either.Then, their guns must have been obtained from other sources.

"It doesn't look like it, but it looks like a horse bandit." Si Zhanbei replied in a low voice.I heard before that there are horse bandits in the desert.It's just that they were wiped out once later, and I don't know if they were wiped out that time.

However, regardless of whether the other party is a horse bandit or not, as long as they do not hinder their mission, he does not want to conflict with them.

After all, this place is not too far from Greentown, once a gun battle occurs, it will scare the snake away.

"Horse bandits?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised, she knew that there would be horse bandits in times of unrest.But why are there still horse bandits now?

"That's right." Si Zhanbei nodded, and then said to Sheng Fenghua, "It's getting late, let's sleep for a while."

"We just sleep like this, what if they are uneasy and kind?" Sheng Fenghua was still a little worried, after all, these people don't look like kind people.

"Don't worry, they don't dare for the time being." Si Zhanbei said as he put his arms around Sheng Fenghua and closed his eyes slightly.

When Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were talking about the horse bandits, they were also talking about them in a low voice.

"Boss, what's going on, why are these people here?" One of the boys asked his head in a low voice.

They managed to escape from Greentown, but they didn't want to fall into the hands of the People's Liberation Army again.

"I don't know, it probably wasn't directed at us."

"It's not for us, so what are they doing here?"

"This is not your concern. Your concern is, can we leave safely tomorrow?"

"Boss, what do you mean?" Ma Zai asked puzzled.

"What do you mean, what do you mean, we escaped, do you think those people will not come after us?"


"Okay, stop talking, the People's Liberation Army won't move us for the time being. We will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Listen to the boss."

The horse bandits fell silent, held their breath one by one, and fell asleep.But at this moment, the two horse bandits who were stunned by the little stone and the fox woke up.

As soon as he woke up, thinking about what happened to him before, his face changed, and he shouted loudly: "Boss, boss, it's not good, there are enemies coming in."

The two shouted, directly waking up the people who were resting inside.After the two shouted, they found another fire pile and saw Si Zhanbei and others.As a result, his face became more and more ugly, and he raised his gun and aimed at them.

The boss of the horse bandit was awakened by the shouts of the two horse boys, and was about to curse.As soon as I looked up, I saw two bastards pointing guns at the People's Liberation Army.

So, he was taken aback and shouted loudly: "What are you doing, what are you doing, put down the gun quickly."

"Boss, they attacked us." The two were still a little confused about the situation, and they were a little annoyed at the thought of being knocked out.

"Asshole, didn't you hear me? Put down the gun, you're going to die, don't pull the brothers."

(End of this chapter)

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