ace warm marriage

Chapter 1537 Encountering a Horse Bandit

Chapter 1537 Encountering a Horse Bandit ([-])

After yelling at his subordinates, the bandit leader apologized to Si Zhanbei and the others, saying, "Comrade PLA, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

After apologizing, he quickly ran to the side of the two boys, then raised his leg and kicked them, saying: "Idiot, what are you doing with a gun, do you want to die?"

"Boss, boss, don't fight, we were wrong, can't we be wrong?" The two were stunned by the beating, and while admitting their mistakes, they ran towards the fire.

The boss watched them put down their guns, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Si Zhanbei and the others: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

When the danger was lifted, Si Zhanbei also signaled his brothers to put down their guns.However, being yelled at by the two of them, their drowsiness was driven away.

Unable to fall asleep, the fox looked at Si Zhanbei and said, "Boss, I'll go see if the rain has stopped outside."

"I guess it hasn't stopped yet. The rain in this desert is usually quite strange. It either doesn't rain or it rains for a long time." Qin Feng said.The last time he came, he didn't encounter a heavy rain, but he heard it from others.

"I'll go and have a look." The fox didn't believe it, and then quickly walked towards the entrance.I went out to have a look, and sure enough it was still raining heavily outside. Judging by the posture, it would definitely not stop for a while.

The fox came back soon, and everyone looked at him and asked, "How is it? Has the rain stopped?"

"No!" The fox shook his head and sat down by the fire again.I just went out for a run, and I still feel a little cold.Fortunately, however, their clothes were almost done.However, the fire on the fire was about to go out.

Si Zhanbei checked the time, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn in two hours.If there is no fire, it is estimated that it will still be cold.

So, he looked around to see if there was any firewood, but he found that there was no firewood at all except the pillars and sand.

Without firewood, it seems that it can only be frozen.

Let’s talk about the horse bandits. After the two boys stopped being beaten, they sat down, glanced at Si Zhanbei and the others, and asked, “Boss, what’s going on. They didn’t come to arrest us, did they?”

"Shut your crow's mouth, what nonsense are you talking about? You really want to be caught, don't you?"

"Of course not. The younger brother is just a little strange. Why did these people come here? Moreover, they are still staying with us, just in case..."

"What if? As long as your brain doesn't get flooded, there will be no just in case."

"Boss, even though that's what they said, who knows what their plan is. Didn't they say that people's hearts are separated from their stomachs? They also say that knowing people knows faces but not hearts."

"Then according to what you said, what do you want?" The boss asked angrily.

"Boss, why don't we strike first?"

"It's just us?" The boss laughed angrily, raised his hand and slapped the boy on the head, and said, "I still say the same thing, if you want to die, go yourself, don't drag the brothers .”

"Boss, how can you say that. Isn't it for my brothers?"

"No need, just stay and go."

"Boss..." Ma Zai wanted to say something, but the boss yelled, "Shut up!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored his subordinates and looked at Si Zhanbei and the others who didn't have much firewood.So, he told the other boy: "Little six, go and bring them some more firewood."

"Okay, boss." The little six replied, then picked up some firewood, and walked towards Si Zhanbei.

(End of this chapter)

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