ace warm marriage

Chapter 1548 Cooperation Against the Enemy

Chapter 1548 Cooperation Against the Enemy ([-])
The enemy saw the grenade thrown over and wanted to stop, but it was too late, so they could only watch the car drive past the smoking grenade.

Just when the car drove the grenade, the car was blown out with a bang, and the enemies in the car were blown away one by one.

After solving the enemy's pursuit, the car also arrived at the oil depot.At this time, the oil depot was also occupied by the enemy, so it was guarded by foreign troops.

Looking at the foreign soldiers guarding the gate of the oil depot, the fox and Hu Dongyang exchanged glances, and then said to Liu Da: "You find a place to hide, we are going to get rid of them."

"I'll go with you," Liu Da said.He also wanted to kill his enemies, to avenge his dead brothers.

"Will you kill people?" Hu Dongyang asked, but Liu Da's face changed.Although he is a horse bandit, at most he does some robbery, but he has never done murder.

Before, when fighting against those foreign troops, he had never killed a single person from the other side.

"No!" Liu Da shook his head, looked at the fox and the others, and continued, "However, I want to avenge my brothers."

"Okay, then you can follow. However, we don't have time to take care of you, so be careful." The fox said, and then he and Hu Dongyang took the lead and walked towards the guard at the gate of the oil depot.

Liu Da watched, naturally unwilling to show weakness.He hasn't killed anyone, but that doesn't mean he won't.

The fox and Hu Dongyang were very fast, and when the foreign soldiers guarding the gate didn't react, they solved it one by one.

For the last one, the two of them worked together to solve it, and Liu Da had no use for it at all.

Of course, although there are only three gatekeepers, there are more than two people in the entire oil depot.After the two eliminated the enemy guarding the gate, they immediately dodged into the oil depot.

As soon as they entered the oil depot, two foreign soldiers happened to come out to change the guard.The two watched, and once again solved each other one by one.But at this moment, a foreign soldier pointed his hand at them.

When Liu Da saw this scene, he didn't think too much about it, and rushed towards the foreign army holding the gun.He was relatively close to the foreign army. After throwing the opponent down, he took out the dagger on his body and wiped it at the opponent's neck.

After killing a person, Liu Da was stunned for a moment.When killing people, he didn't think so much.But now, after killing the other party, he became a little scared.After all, it was the first time to kill someone, and it took a while to accept it.

However, the enemy didn't give him much time, and a burst of gunfire brought him back to his senses.As soon as he came back to his senses, he found that the fox and Hu Dongyang had fought the enemy again.

So, Liu Da collected his emotions and joined the battle.

Besides, at the auditorium, Qin Feng and others suddenly broke through the enemy's defense line and rushed into the auditorium.As soon as I entered, I saw pairs of excited eyes.

"Comrade, which unit do you belong to?" Fang Yuan, the battalion commander of the garrison, immediately asked Qin Feng when they saw Qin Feng.

"Lone Wolf Special Forces." Qin Feng replied lightly, and then signaled a few people to be alert, while the others helped the garrison untie.

"Are you from the Lone Wolf Special Forces?" Everyone was surprised. Although they were in the depths of the desert, they had heard of the name of the Lone Wolf Special Forces.


"No wonder."

"Thank you!" After regaining his freedom, the battalion commander immediately thanked Qin Feng and others.

"Are you all right?" Qin Feng glanced at the battalion commander and asked.

"Fortunately, I got hurt a little, it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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