ace warm marriage

Chapter 1549 Cooperation Against the Enemy

Chapter 1549 Cooperation Against the Enemy ([-])
At this time, Sheng Fenghua had already opened the medicine box, and directly bandaged the seriously injured soldiers without saying a word.

The gunshots continued outside, and the garrison thought of the humiliation they had suffered, and none of them could swallow this breath. Those who were not injured, or those with relatively minor injuries, picked up the enemy's weapons one by one, and they were about to join the battle.

Looking at the comrades full of fighting spirit, Qin Feng didn't stop them, but just asked them to pay attention to safety.

"Don't worry, we will." Fang Yuan replied, and rushed out with his brother.Si Zhanbei was blocking the enemy outside, and when he saw a group of people in camouflage rushing out, he naturally understood that it was the garrison.

So, he turned his head and glanced at those people, and said, "You guys are more familiar with this side, can you lead the way ahead, after we get rid of these people, we want to take over the enemy's headquarters."

"No problem!" Fang Yuan immediately agreed, and then joined the battle with his brothers.With the garrison added, the enemy was quickly wiped out.

After eliminating the enemy, Fang Yuan led everyone quickly towards the enemy's headquarters.

The enemy's command post was originally their battalion headquarters, but it was just occupied by the other party.The headquarters was occupied, which was a great shame to soldiers like them.

Now that they have the opportunity to get it back, no matter how much they pay, they will fight for it.

Si Zhanbei talked to Qin Feng, and then led half of the team to follow Fang Yuan to the enemy's command center.

There were many injured people. Seeing that she was too busy, Qin Feng sent two people to help.With a helper, Sheng Fenghua's speed increased a lot.

It's just that some people's injuries are too serious, and they have been suppurated and infected, so they must be hospitalized for treatment.

Sheng Fenghua told Qin Feng about the situation, and Qin Feng immediately asked those comrades where the hospital was.They are the garrisons here, and they must be more familiar with this area than they are.

"We know, we'll take you there." The soldiers in the garrison naturally didn't want to see their comrades come out, so those who were not seriously injured and who had been bandaged stepped forward to help Sheng Fenghua, and took those comrades who were seriously ill or Carrying on their backs or carrying them, they left the auditorium together and headed towards the hospital.

The hospital was naturally occupied by terrorists, and the doctors and nurses were also locked up by them.

Therefore, it is not easy to send people to the hospital for treatment, and fighting is inevitable.Fortunately, Qin Feng and others knew about this situation a long time ago, so they didn't go in with great fanfare at first, but quietly touched in, and dealt with those foreign troops one by one, and then let Sheng Fenghua send them in .

After solving the foreign army, they rescued the doctors and nurses who were locked in the doctor's office.

In this way, Sheng Fenghua had more helpers.

The doctors and nurses who were still in shock burst into tears when they saw the People's Liberation Army coming.Especially those little nurses were crying so hard.

Sheng Fenghua didn't have time to caress these people. She was operating on those soldiers who were seriously injured, so she looked at them and said, "Now, you all wipe away your tears. It's important to save people."

Hearing this, the doctors and nurses saw the wounded one by one, and immediately got into work.

Sheng Fenghua was going to have an operation, so he ordered a nurse who didn't cry so hard to be his assistant, and immediately entered the operating room.

As for the other wounded, she handed them over to the doctors in the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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