ace warm marriage

Chapter 1550 Terrorist

Chapter 1550 Terrorist ([-])

Although the wounded had fallen into a coma, Sheng Fenghua still administered anesthesia to him.

After the anesthetic was given, Sheng Fenghua began the operation.

She first removed the carrion from the wounded before performing surgery on him.Time passed little by little, and the operation was still going on, but there were gunshots outside the hospital.

After the terrorists learned of the accident here, they temporarily transferred a group of people from the vicinity of the hospital.

At this time, Si Zhanbei and his brothers had arrived at the enemy's command center.

"This is the enemy's command center." Fang Yuan felt extremely aggrieved when he said this.This was his headquarters, but it became the enemy's in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, he secretly vowed in his heart that when this enemy is dealt with, he must lead his subordinates to train well, so that such a thing will never happen again.

"Do you have a topographic map here?" Si Zhanbei glanced at Fang Yuan and asked.He also saw that this was supposed to be the garrison headquarters, but now it has become the enemy's.

It was clearly his own territory, but it became the enemy's in a blink of an eye. Si Zhanbei naturally understood Fang Yuan's inner distress.

But, now is not the time to be uncomfortable.They have to find a way to snatch the headquarters back from the enemy's hands, because there are many secrets in the headquarters, and there is even a surveillance system that can monitor the entire Green City.

The reason why they were discovered as soon as they came in was precisely because the monitoring system worked.

"No, they were all robbed by terrorists." Fang Yuan looked uncomfortable.They are also soldiers, comparing themselves with Si Zhanbei and the others, it is really a world, a world.

Si Zhanbei and the others are eagles in the sky, but he is a reptile on the ground.Even a headquarters can be taken over by someone, let alone others.

Si Zhanbei looked at Fang Yuan, not knowing what to say.There is no map here, how can we avoid the enemy's monitoring?
But Si Zhanbei also knows that it is useless to say anything now, it is better to find a way to get in.After all, the longer they are outside, the more likely they are to be discovered.

Moreover, when they rescued people before, they must have alerted the terrorists.Now, this group of people don't know how to deal with them?
"This is your base camp. You should be familiar with the layout of each place, right?" Si Zhanbei asked after thinking about it.

"If they don't even know that, then he's really going to call them trash."


"Then tell me about the layout of the headquarters."

"it is good!"

After Fang Yuan finished speaking, he started drawing directly on the ground.He roughly told Si Zhanbei and the others about the various furnishings in the headquarters.

Although it wasn't very detailed, it was of great help to Si Zhanbei and the others.Therefore, Si Zhanbei immediately arranged tasks for the defense map drawn by Fang Yuan.

After finishing the arrangement, Si Zhanbei asked everyone: "Have you understood their respective tasks?"


"Okay, move on!"

With one order, each department will perform its duties.It was still Fang Yuan who led the garrison to lead the battle, attracting the enemy's attention from the front.

But Si Zhanbei and his men attacked from the side and the back door.

However, his attack was quickly met by the enemy's counterattack, dense gunshots sounded, and bullets flew towards their heads.

"Everyone be careful, pay attention to concealment." Si Zhanbei reminded his brothers, while aiming, thinking of ways to eliminate the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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