ace warm marriage

Chapter 1551 Terrorist

Chapter 1551 Terrorist ([-])
"You'll know if you try it." Sheng Fenghua said while putting away the gun, and then took a slingshot and some poison from his pocket.

She slingshots the poison into the enemy's face.

At first, when the enemy saw Sheng Fenghua using a slingshot, they almost laughed out loud.When they saw what was being shot, they couldn't help laughing, saying: "A woman is a woman, and she can't even hold a gun. What kind of soldier are you?"

"That's right. I thought she was shooting something. It turned out to be such a small ball, and it shattered when squeezed. I really don't know what the other party is thinking."

"However, that woman looks pretty decent. It would be even better if she could catch her and play with her."

"What's the hurry, after we kill those men, that woman won't be in our pocket?"

"makes sense!"

The terrorists talked and laughed, full of pride.

However, they didn't know that what they were holding was poison. With such a pinch, the fragrance of the medicine dispersed and inhaled into their mouths and noses.

After a few breaths of effort, they already felt dizzy, and only then did they know that something was wrong.They fell for it, and the woman shot it, not with a gizmo, but with poison.

It's a pity that they knew it too late, because they were all poisoned.

Seeing the enemies falling down one by one, Qin Feng suddenly became happy, turned his head to look at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Fenghua, you really have it. A few poisons knocked down all the enemies, it's amazing!"

"Those people are already unconscious, you go and hand over their guns. However, you have to be careful, I'm afraid there are still enemies nearby that have not been eliminated."

"Don't worry, we will be careful." Qin Feng said, and then asked a few brothers to hand over the enemy's guns.As for those enemies, Sheng Fenghua thought about it and decided not to keep them alive.

What's more, she heard what they said just now very clearly.In that case, why should she keep them?
So, after her brethren got their guns back, she got up and walked towards the enemy.

"Fenghua, what are you going to do?" Qin Feng watched Sheng Fenghua walking towards the enemy, and couldn't help shouting.

"It's okay, I'll kill them." Sheng Fenghua replied as he quickly arrived in front of the enemy.After arriving in front of them, Sheng Fenghua took out a silver needle from his body, and then stabbed towards the enemy.

Following her movements, the enemies who were still breathing all went to Hades to report one by one.

After finishing the enemy, Qin Feng wanted to join Si Zhanbei and the others.In order to protect the safety of the people in the hospital, he left two people behind.

When Sheng Fenghua heard that Qin Feng was going to Si Zhanbei, he naturally followed.

But at this time, Hu Dongyang and the others drove a truck, filled with fuel, and came towards the direction where the gunshots sounded.

They are planning to use the oil as a weapon, and then give the enemy a good drink.Fortunately, the enemies were all attracted by Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng, so they didn't meet many enemies along the way.

After they were easily resolved, they headed towards the command center.

In the command center, the people from Zhanbei had broken through the enemy's first line of defense and were about to attack the second line of defense.However, at this moment, the enemy's reinforcements scattered all over the town came and attacked them from behind.

In this way, Si Zhanbei and the others in the middle became dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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