ace warm marriage

Chapter 1552 Terrorist

Chapter 1552 Terrorist ([-])
"Boss, we are surrounded, what should we do?" The brother was caught in the middle and had to deal with the front and rear firepower, so he couldn't help struggling.

If they had a lot of people, it would be okay to say that they could fight the enemy separately, but now their number is not even a fraction of the enemy's, and once they are separated, the firepower will be even more insufficient.

"Are there any more grenades?" Si Zhanbei asked.

"Boss, there are not many left."

"Use it up first." At this moment, Si Zhanbei couldn't care less. There were wolves in front and tigers in back, so he could only move forward.

Because now, even if they wanted to withdraw, it was already too late, and all previous efforts were wasted.

"Yes!" The brothers responded, and naturally understood the plan of the boss, so they took out the grenade and threw it towards the second line of defense of the terrorists.

Just as Si Zhanbei and the others were attacking the second line of defense with all their might, another gunshot came from behind them.As soon as the brothers heard it, they immediately knew that it was Qin Feng and the others who had come.

So, they looked behind the gunshots, cheered up, and said, "Fengzi and the others are here."

"Fight!" Si Zhanbei was also very happy, gave the order, and took the lead in fighting.They don't need to worry about the enemies behind them, and now they only need to break through the enemy's second line of defense.

As soon as Qin Feng brought his brothers to the vicinity of the command center, he found that Si Zhanbei and the others were flanked.So without even thinking about it, he fired directly at the enemy.

Those terrorists were happy because they were flanking Si Zhanbei and the others, but they didn't want the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind, and they themselves were flanked.

There was no other way, the terrorists had no choice but to temporarily abandon Si Zhanbei and the others, and turned around to deal with Qin Feng and others.

As soon as their guns were turned, it happened to relieve the pressure on Si Zhanbei and the others.Seeing himself attracting the enemy's firepower, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Sheng Fenghua at the side and said, "Fenghua, do you still have that poison?"

"Yes, but not many."

"Can you get rid of those people?" Qin Feng asked again.

"The enemies are too scattered, and it is not easy to catch them all at once."

"It doesn't matter, as much as it can be solved." Qin Feng is not disappointed, if the poison can solve part of it, then they will be much more relaxed.

You know, there are only seven or eight of them now.There are thirty or forty enemies, and the ratio is too far apart.

Moreover, it would take a long time to solve the opponent by relying on them.

"Then I'll try." Sheng Fenghua said as he took out the slingshot and poison again, and shot towards the enemy.

After shooting five poisons in a row, Sheng Fenghua stopped, and then said to Qin Feng: "My poison is used up."

"Okay, leave the rest to us." Qin Feng said while waiting for the enemy to be poisoned.

One, two, three, when Qin Feng counted to five, the enemy began to fall.When he counted to ten, the enemy was half down.

The remaining half, although not poured, looked like he was drunk, not to mention aiming, he couldn't even hold the gun steadily.

Qin Feng looked overjoyed, and immediately killed each other one by one.He easily dealt with the enemy on his side, but it was not so easy on Si Zhanbei's side.

You must know that the enemy's headquarters is here, so this force must be the largest.Moreover, several lines of defense were built, and each line of defense was guarded by many people.

Just now, because Si Zhanbei and the others broke through the first line of defense, a lot of people were added to the second line of defense.

They rushed several times, but they didn't rush over.Just when he didn't know what to do, he heard footsteps behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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