ace warm marriage

Chapter 1553 Time Bomb

Chapter 1553 Time Bomb ([-])

Si Zhanbei turned his head, and when he saw Qin Feng and the others, he was overjoyed and asked, "Why did you come in? Have you dealt with the enemies outside?"

"Solved." Qin Feng laughed and replied.

"Why so fast, there are quite a few enemies outside." Si Zhanbei was a little surprised. Although there were not as many enemies outside as the second line of defense, there were still 40 to [-] people.How many people does Qin Feng have, only seven or eight.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in his subordinates, it's that the disparity between the enemy and ourselves is too great.

"It's thanks to Fenghua, otherwise we would still be fighting the enemy."

"Fenghua?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and found that his little wife was also in Qin Feng's team.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?" Si Zhanbei asked with a smile.He thought his little wife was taking care of the wounded.

"Let me see if there is anyone here who can help me." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then walked to Si Zhanbei's side.

"By the way, just now Fengzi said it was thanks to you, what happened?" Si Zhanbei really wanted to know what his little wife did to let Qin Feng and the others finish off the enemy so quickly.

"Actually, it's nothing. I poisoned the enemy."

"What, poisoning?" Si Zhanbei was surprised again, he didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to poison the enemy.

"Yeah, I shot the Ecstasy Poison at the enemy, and then they fainted."

"Daughter-in-law, you're really good!" Si Zhanbei praised.Although, when fighting, it is a bit unreasonable to use medicine.But it also depends on who the other party is, they are terrorists.

Those people are not regular soldiers, and it is impossible to come face to face with them.

Sheng Fenghua laughed, and then said to Si Zhanbei: "What's the situation here, why can't we attack?"

"Yeah, the enemy's second line of defense is too strict. We're almost out of grenades, and we still can't get in."

"Where's the garrison?" Sheng Fenghua looked around, only seeing the lone wolf, but the garrison didn't see any of them.There were quite a few garrisons who were still capable of fighting before. Where did they go?
"They're attracting the enemy's firepower from the front." After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he looked at the second line of defense that was still fiercely fired, and became a little anxious.

They spent too long here. If they failed to attack, not only would they fall short, but they would also waste ammunition in vain.

"Qin Feng, do you still have grenades on you?" Si Zhanbei asked, their grenades were almost used up.

"Yes!" Qin Feng asked everyone to take out the grenade while talking.Still, all the grenades don't add up to much.

At least in Sheng Fenghua's view, it was a little daunting to deal with a powerful enemy.So, she thought for a while and said, "Zhanbei, I'm going to a place first."

"Daughter-in-law, where are you going?" Si Zhan Bei Meng stretched out his hand to grab Sheng Fenghua, now that there are enemies everywhere, it would be more dangerous for Sheng Fenghua to act alone.

"You know." Sheng Fenghua winked at Si Zhanbei.Seeing his little wife's movements, Si Zhanbei immediately understood her plan, so he said, "I'll go with you."

"No, I'll be back soon." After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he left Si Zhanbei and the others, then found a hidden corner, and slipped into the space.

As the killer of the dark night in her previous life, she kept a lot of good things in her space.She has never used these things, and she doesn't know if she can still use them now.

However, whether it can be used or not can only be known by trying it.

(End of this chapter)

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