ace warm marriage

Chapter 1554 Time Bomb

Chapter 1554 Time Bomb ([-])

So, after she entered the space, she went directly to the small warehouse where she stored her things.This small warehouse is different from the medicine warehouse. The warehouse is less than ten square meters, and it is full of weapons and ammunition.

After she went in, she directly opened a large box, which contained a door.Sheng Fenghua carried the gun out first, and then took out the ammunition from another box, and only then did he get out of the space.

As soon as she got out of the space, she yelled at Si Zhanbei and the others: "Zhanbei, come and help me."

When Si Zhanbei heard Sheng Fenghua's voice, he immediately ran over.When he came to Sheng Fenghua and saw the thing in front of her, he was overjoyed and asked, "Daughter-in-law, why do you have this thing?"

"I collected it before." Sheng Fenghua smiled, then picked up the gun barrel by himself and asked Si Zhanbei to carry the ammunition.

When Qin Feng saw what the two of them brought over, he was also shocked and asked, "Good guy, where did this thing come from?"

"Guess!" Sheng Fenghua's mysterious face made Qin Feng a little speechless, so he didn't say anything more.Naturally, he couldn't guess it, but he didn't ask too much.

With guns, it is much easier to attack the second line of defense.Once it goes down, the enemy will definitely be finished.

But in this way, the house is estimated to collapse.Once the house collapses, the equipment inside will also be scrapped.

Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei felt a little bit reluctant.He looked at the gun, hesitating whether to use it or not.The terrorists suddenly retreated.

"What's going on here?" The brothers looked puzzled, why did the enemy suddenly withdraw?

"I guess you were scared when you saw our ****?" Little Stone said jokingly.


"Since the enemy has withdrawn, what are you waiting for, go after them."

"Yes!" The brothers responded, and then started to chase.

In fact, Xiao Shitou was not wrong, the enemy had indeed seen the attack, so they withdrew.They are well aware of the power of ***.

Moreover, terrorists are people who cherish their lives, and they don't want to lose their lives here.For them, as long as there is life, there will be everything.

As soon as the terrorists ran, they quickly rushed into the enemy's command center.In the command center, there is no one except for the computers that are running.

"Fuck, all these people have run away. Those people are too afraid of death, right?" The brothers were about to go in while talking.

"Wait, watch out for fraud!" Si Zhanbei stopped the brothers' movements with a voice, and then sent a person in to check.

As soon as the man entered, he heard the sound of a time bomb.So, he immediately warned the police and said, "Don't come in, everyone, there is a time bomb inside."

As soon as these words came out, Si Zhanbei and the others changed their expressions, and then asked, "First, see if there is a way to disarm the bomb."

"Understood!" The person inside responded, and then searched for the location of the time bomb.

When he found the time bomb, he saw that there were only 2 minutes left, so he said, "There are 2 minutes left."

"Are you sure?" Si Zhanbei asked.

"I try my best!"

"Zhanbei, let me go!" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and said suddenly.

"No!" Before Si Zhanbei could speak, Qin Feng took the lead in objecting.Although Sheng Fenghua has also learned how to defuse bombs, she is a woman.With so many big men here, how could they let a woman do it.

However, Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua, nodded, and said, "Then be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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