ace warm marriage

Chapter 156 Visiting Comrades

Chapter 156 Visiting Comrades
"You don't object?" Sheng Fenghua was surprised now, she thought that Si Zhanbei would be as machismo as other men, so she disagreed.

"You want me to object?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua with a funny face, he was not the kind of person who would not like his wife to be better than him.

For him, a good wife will only motivate him to work harder and make himself even better.Because only in this way can he protect his wife.

"Of course not?" Sheng Fenghua shook his head with a smile, then actively hugged Si Zhanbei's waist, and said, "Mr. Si, you are so kind."

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei laughed and joked, "Since Mr. Si is so nice, why don't you express anything?"

"Show?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to meet his boss Zhan Bei's ambiguous gaze, blushed, and then quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Si Zhanbei originally just teased Sheng Fenghua, but he didn't expect her to actually kiss him, so he was stunned for a moment.

By the time he reacted, Sheng Fenghua had already retreated from his side and reached a safe place.

"Daughter-in-law, this doesn't count!" Si Zhanbei said sadly, Sheng Fenghua's kiss could only be regarded as a superficial kiss, it was over before he had time to feel it, it definitely couldn't be counted.

However, Sheng Fenghua doesn't care so much, she has already done it, and she won't do it a second time.

Sheng Fenghua ignored Si Zhanbei and turned to cook in the kitchen.

After lunch, Si Zhanbei went to the regiment headquarters, while Sheng Fenghua stayed at home, writing down some of her plans for the company.

It wasn't until I got a little tired from writing that I stopped, and then went into the space to drink a few sips of the pool water inside.

Needless to say, after a few sips of water, her tired look disappeared, which made her heart move, and then she left the space, turned around, went to the kitchen, picked up a small bucket, and entered the space again.

Although she still doesn't know what the purpose of this pool of water is, it is definitely a good thing for the purpose of quickly relieving fatigue.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua felt that in the future, the drinking water at home would be the water from the pool in the space.

So, when cooking at night, Sheng Fenghua also tried to use some water in the space. When he didn't want to eat, Si Zhanbei kept saying that the food was delicious, which made Sheng Fenghua more determined. The idea of ​​water in space.

After dinner, Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to the military hospital to see the injured comrade Gray Wolf.

The bullet from Gray Wolf's body has been taken out, and his life is out of danger.After hearing that the medicine to stop the bleeding was provided by Sheng Fenghua, he wanted to meet her and said that he would thank her in person.

For this reason, Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to the hospital.

When the two arrived, Gray Wolf happened to be not resting. Seeing Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, he was very excited and said, "Captain, sister-in-law, are you here?"

"How are you?" Si Zhanbei pulled Sheng Fenghua to sit beside him, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I saved my life. Speaking of which, I have to thank my sister-in-law. The effect of my sister-in-law's medicine is really good. If it is not for my sister-in-law's medicine this time, I will die."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sheng Fenghua didn't want to hear this, so he scolded directly, saying: "If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. You will have a long life in the future, so don't just say that. Ominous."

Moreover, I am here, and I will never let you hang up so easily.

Sheng Fenghua didn't say this, she preferred to do it than to say it.

"Yes, I'll listen to my sister-in-law." Gray Wolf said with a smile, and felt kinder to Sheng Fenghua again.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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