ace warm marriage

Chapter 157 She is a God

Chapter 157 She is a God
The two talked with Gray Wolf for a while, seeing that he was tired, they left.However, the two did not leave the hospital immediately, but went to see another comrade in arms, Ning Ruize.

Ning Rui is already much better, and can be discharged from the hospital after another three or five days.He was very happy to see Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua coming.

"Zhan Bei, sister-in-law, why are you free to come over today?" Ning Rui greeted with a smile, and he was equally grateful to Sheng Fenghua.He already knew that the bullet in his heart was taken out by Sheng Fenghua, and when he thought of what the doctor said, he felt even more grateful.

He remembered that when he first entered the hospital, when the doctor looked at his wound, he said, "Comrade, the person who helped you take out the bullet is definitely a genius. Even our dean may not be able to take out the bullet with confidence."

"Come in to see you, how is your injury?" Si Zhanbei smiled, and pulled Sheng Fenghua to sit down.

"It's almost better. The doctor said that he will be discharged in two days." Ning Rui replied with a smile. He really had enough of staying in this hospital and wanted to go home.

Si Zhanbei nodded when he heard that, then took out a key and handed it to him, saying: "Don't go back to the place where you live, go live with me for a while first."

"Okay!" Ning Rui didn't refuse, he knew the seriousness of the matter.Now that he is not dead, those people will definitely not give up, so they will definitely go back to him again.

Now that he is injured, he will definitely not be the opponent of the other party. For the sake of safety, it is better to recover from the injury for the time being.

Seeing Si Zhanbei handing the key to Ning Ruize, Sheng Fenghua raised his eyebrows in surprise.Unexpectedly, Si Zhanbei still had a house in the city.

Si Zhanbei reached out and shook Sheng Fenghua's hand, afraid that she would think too much about giving Ning Ruize the key to the house.

In fact, Si Zhanbei was thinking too much, Sheng Fenghua was just a little surprised that he had a house in the city, not that he had any objections to giving up the house to Ning Ruize.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua took a look at Si Zhanbei, smiled at him, and expressed that he didn't care, and he was slightly relieved.

The two talked for a while, and then Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua left. Before leaving, Sheng Fenghua gave Ning Ruize a box of ointment and said, "This medicine is more effective. It can remove scars. You can apply more when you go back." .”

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law." Ning Rui took the ointment with a smile and thanked Sheng Fenghua.

After leaving the hospital, Si Zhanbei walked down the street holding Sheng Fenghua's hand, hesitating to say something several times, wanting to tell Sheng Fenghua about the house, but he didn't know how to say it.

It wasn't until the two of them were about to reach the bus station that Si Zhanbei rubbed Sheng Fenghua's hands, then stopped and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you have any questions?"

"No!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head with a smile, and didn't have anything to ask.But she guessed something in her heart, guessing that Si Zhanbei might want to talk to her about the house.

However, she really didn't care, the house belonged to Si Zhanbei, and whoever he wanted to live in was his freedom.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, Si Zhanbei felt a little uncomfortable, put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her seriously and said, "Daughter-in-law, you really don't care about the house at all?"

"Why should I care?" Sheng Fenghua asked back with a smile, "The house is yours, and you can live in it for whoever you want. As for what you concealed from me, I believe you didn't do it on purpose. "

Hearing this, all the uneasiness in Si Zhanbei's heart disappeared instantly, and he hugged Sheng Fenghua into his arms fiercely, and then kissed him hard.

(End of this chapter)

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