ace warm marriage

Chapter 1562 Attacking Fenghua

Chapter 1562 Attacking Fenghua ([-])

Fortunately, Dean Liu didn't have many injuries on his lower body, but one was at the base of his thigh, and he had to take off all his pants to deal with it.

That's why Sheng Fenghua handed it over to Dr. Wang.If Dr. Wang didn't come, she would have to deal with it by herself.

But now that there is a male doctor here, she naturally leaves it to him to deal with it.

Doctor Wang quickly healed the injury on Dean Liu's leg and walked out of the room.

"Comrade Sheng, thank you!" He thanked Sheng Fenghua sincerely. If she hadn't come to see Dean Liu, they would definitely not know what happened to Dean Liu by now.

"You're welcome, I'm also a doctor." Sheng Fenghua smiled, thinking that Dean Liu was still having a fever, he said, "However, Dean Liu's condition is not very good, it's better for someone to guard him tonight .”

"Don't worry, I'll stay."

"I'm staying too."

Dr. Wang and Nurse Xiao Huang said at the same time.Both of them are young people, and in their eyes, Dean Liu is like their uncle and elder.

Therefore, when they are free, they will also come to Dean Liu's place to have a tooth-beating ceremony and talk with him.

To be honest, they admire Dean Liu very much, not only for his good medical skills, but also for his good people.And he is very kind to young people like them, and he is also very willing to teach them.

"That's fine. If the two of you stay, I'll go back first. If you need anything, just call me." Sheng Fenghua wrote down his phone number.

After writing down the phone number to the two, Sheng Fenghua went to the headquarters to find Si Zhanbei.She is a doctor, but also a soldier.If it wasn't for special circumstances, she couldn't leave her post.

When Sheng Fenghua went back, it was already late.There was no one on the street, so she wasn't afraid, so she went to the headquarters based on her memory.

As she was walking, a black figure suddenly sprang out from the side of the road and rushed towards her.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua was more vigilant, and at the moment when the opponent rushed towards him, he turned to one side and kicked towards the opponent while avoiding it.

It was dark and the street lights were far away, so she couldn't see the other person's face clearly.However, judging by his height, he should be a man, and a tall man at that.

Seeing that the first blow failed, the man immediately launched a second attack.This time, he had an extra dagger gleaming with cold light in his hand.

"Who?" Sheng Fenghua asked aloud, she didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, and she didn't know why the other party attacked her.

The man didn't speak, but kept attacking Sheng Fenghua.

Facing the enemy's attacks again and again, Sheng Fenghua was also a little annoyed.Immediately changed from passive to active, and attacked the opponent.

Sheng Fenghua's boxing skills are good, and she also has a silver needle on her fingertips, so she is not afraid of the opponent.If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't see the opponent's face clearly, and didn't know the origin of the opponent, Sheng Fenghua would have used the gun directly.

After exchanging hands for a while, the man obviously fell behind.Seeing that he couldn't beat Sheng Fenghua, the man was a little annoyed.The shots became more and more fierce, and the dagger in his hand kept waving, as if he was about to kill Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing the enemy like this, Sheng Fenghua naturally wouldn't show mercy.Taking advantage of the moment of close contact with the enemy, she directly stuck the silver needle between her fingers on the opponent's body.

As soon as the needle was injected, the enemy's body froze, and the movements of his hands also hesitated.

Soon, the enemy couldn't move at all, and his whole body was numb.

(End of this chapter)

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