ace warm marriage

Chapter 1563 Attacking Fenghua

Chapter 1563 Attacking Fenghua ([-])

"You?" The man's whole body was paralyzed, his face turned ugly, and he stared at Sheng Fenghua in shock and anger.

He never thought that Sheng Fenghua was so powerful, and he was wearing anesthesia.

Sheng Fenghua's expression changed when he heard the other party's accent, and he stepped forward to look at the other party carefully.This is a foreign man, obviously one of the terrorists.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't understand was, didn't those people already evacuate?Why are there still people left.

Could it be that the other party only withdrew part of it, and then some people stayed behind.If this is the case, then Greentown is in danger.

"How many people are there in Green City?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the man and asked in a cold voice.She wanted to know how many other people were on the other side, and whether the other party was already in action, and what targets were they targeting.

However, the man just glanced at her, but didn't say anything.

Sheng Fenghua thought he couldn't understand Chinese, so he spoke again in English and German respectively, but the man still didn't answer her question except for his shocked expression.

The enemy didn't answer, and Sheng Fenghua didn't ask any more questions. She felt that she should tell Si Zhanbei about the situation, so she took out her phone and called him.

When the call was connected, Si Zhanbei was looking around for Sheng Fenghua.Before, Si Zhanbei saw that it was very late, but Sheng Fenghua hadn't come back yet, so he couldn't help worrying, and then went to the hospital to pick her up.

However, when he arrived at the hospital, he was told that Sheng Fenghua had already left.As for where he went, he didn't know.He called Sheng Fenghua, but no one answered.

In this way, he thought that something had happened to Sheng Fenghua, so he started looking for it in the town.

"Daughter-in-law, where are you? I'll go there right away." Si Zhanbei was naturally very happy when he received a call from Sheng Fenghua. After asking where she was, he immediately ran towards where she was.

In a short while, Si Zhanbei arrived at the street where Sheng Fenghua was.When he saw two people standing on the street, one of them was his little wife, he was relieved.

A few steps came to Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei asked concerned: "Daughter-in-law, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then asked, "Why did you come out?"

"I saw that you haven't come back, and I didn't answer your calls. I was very worried, so I came out to look for you."

"I'm sorry to worry you. I put my phone on silent before, so I didn't hear your call."

"It's okay, as long as you're fine." Si Zhanbei stretched out his arms to hug Sheng Fenghua, and then looked at the person who attacked her.

When he saw the other person's appearance, his eyes turned cold, and he said, "Daughter-in-law, if you can't find anything out of the question, just kill him."

"Okay, I'll try first." Sheng Fenghua nodded, then stepped into the space and took out some poison.

The terrorists who attacked Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw her disappear suddenly.Then, soon he realized that he was wrong, Sheng Fenghua was still in front of him.

So he was surprised.Staring blankly at Sheng Fenghua, he didn't react for a long time.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care if the other party was surprised or not, he just stuffed the poison into the other party's mouth, and waited for the effect to take place.

Soon, the effect of the medicine took effect, and Sheng Fenghua began to interrogate him.

The medicine confuses the enemy's mind, and Sheng Fenghua will say whatever he asks.Si Zhanbei didn't stop until he felt that there was nothing more to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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