ace warm marriage

Chapter 1564 Attacking Fenghua

Chapter 1564 Attacking Fenghua ([-])

"This person is useless, let's kill him." Si Zhanbei glanced at the other party and said to Sheng Fenghua.Just now from this person's mouth, he has got the news he wants.

For example, the terrorists do have a point in Morrow Town, Country W.Moreover, before they came to Greentown, they also stayed in Morrow Town.

Also, this time, they transported the oil from Greentown through Moro Town.

"Understood!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then directly pricked the opponent's body.With one injection, the enemy has lost all vitality and no breath.

After finishing off the enemy, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua worked together to dispose of the enemy's body before heading to the command center.

When they returned to the command center, Qin Feng was looking for Si Zhanbei anxiously.

"Zhan Bei, where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time."

"What's the matter, what happened?" Si Zhanbei frowned slightly and asked.Before, when he went out to find Sheng Fenghua, he forgot to tell Qin Feng.

"It's like this. We just received news that someone was attacked."

"Someone has been attacked, where is it?" Si Zhanbei's expression changed. He hadn't heard from the terrorist before that he had another companion.What happened to this attack?
Could it be that Liu Da and the others did it?
Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei immediately asked, "Where are Liu Da and the others?"

"After eating, they went to sleep. It is estimated that they are still in the dormitory."

"Go and see."

"Zhan Bei, you don't suspect..."

"I have something to ask Liu Da." Si Zhanbei interrupted Qin Feng's guess, and then walked towards the dormitory where Liu Da and the others lived.

When we arrived at the dormitory, Liu Dao and the four brothers were there. Si Zhanbei was slightly relieved, and then asked Liu Dao: "Liu Dao, did people often come from Mo Luo in this green city before?"

"Yes, there are quite a few."

"Are there any of these people left?"

"Rarely, they usually stay for a day or two and then leave. Because Morrow is not too far from here, they won't stay for too long."

"No one stayed?"

"I'm not quite sure about that."

Liu Da is just a tyrant in this green city, and he is not too clear about some things.

Si Zhanbei didn't get any useful news from Liu Da, so he was a little disappointed.After leaving, he discussed with Qin Feng and decided to check the situation.

Sheng Fenghua was fine and went with him.

Because the garrison is still there, Fang Yuan sent people to deal with the news when he received the news.

When Qin Feng, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua arrived at the accident site, Fang Yuan was also there.Seeing that the three of them had come, he smiled and said hello: "Lone wolf, Feng Zi, Doctor Sheng, why are you here too?"

"Come and see how things are going?"

"It's almost over. Two people were killed, and the murderer hasn't been caught yet."

"Where is the victim?" Si Zhanbei asked.

"Over there." Fang Yuan pointed to the not far away, and Si Zhanbei looked up.I saw my little wife was already squatting in front of the victim, examining the body.

"Did you find anything?" Si Zhanbei came to Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"Not yet. However, the deceased was injured in the throat, and the knife was fatal. The knife edge was clean and neat. This technique can be seen as a well-trained one."

"So it's likely that terrorists really did it?"

(End of this chapter)

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