ace warm marriage

Chapter 1565 Track down the murderer

Chapter 1565 Track down the murderer ([-])

"It's possible. However, when we interrogated that person before, he didn't say that he had companions. Could it be that he also killed these two people?"

"It's possible."

"Get someone to look it up, or ask if anyone has seen the murderer."

"it is good!"

Fang Yuan immediately sent someone to investigate the murderer. Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua planned to go back as soon as they had nothing to do.

Back where they lived, none of them felt sleepy.During the day today, they thought they could get a good night's sleep after driving the terrorists away.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened at night.In particular, there are still terrorists hiding in the green city, which makes them a little hard to guard against.

Originally they were in the dark and the enemy was in the light.Now the situation is just the opposite, they are in the light, and the enemy is in the dark.

Two people have been killed tonight. If the murderer is not found, there may be a third or a fourth.

As a result, the entire Green City will be in a state of panic, and it is estimated that everyone will not even dare to go out.

But who is the murderer?
Sheng Fenghua, who couldn't sleep, sat with Si Zhanbei and began to analyze the murderer's motive.

If the murderer is a terrorist, then their motive is very simple, to cause panic to the people of Green City, but also to torment them.

Moreover, they gave up here easily this time, which is not like the other party's style at all.They will definitely come again, but no one knows when they will come.

Si Zhanbei was even thinking about whether they would take the initiative to attack when the takeover came, and take the initiative to enter the desert to deal with those enemies.

But if the enemy can't come out of Morrow Town, they have nothing to do.After all, Morrow is not China's territory, and if they want to do something there, it will bring problems to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"Zhan Bei, if we go out for a stroll at night, we won't be able to sleep anyway. Maybe we can meet the murderer."

"Do you think the murderer will commit crimes again?" Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife and asked.Now, he really can't sleep, and it's not impossible to go out, just treat it as a patrol.

But what if the murderer is the one he and Sheng Fenghua killed?

"If the murderer is someone else, I think it's very possible. Because they certainly don't think it's a big deal. The more people they kill, the more panic they will cause to the people of Greentown."

"Furthermore, if the murderer is the one we killed, there is no loss for us, and it will be regarded as a night patrol."

"Okay, listen to you, let's go out for a walk." Si Zhanbei felt that what the little wife said was very reasonable. Instead of not being able to sleep here, it is better to go out for a walk, just as a walk.

The husband and wife reached an agreement, and Si Zhanbei went to find Qin Feng and told him.

When Qin Feng heard that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were going out to patrol, he also followed.However, Si Zhanbei refused and said, "We must stay one of the two of us, in case there is an emergency."

"Okay, I'll stay. Be careful." Qin Feng agreed to stay, and then watched Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua leave the headquarters.

After the couple left the headquarters, they walked directly towards the street at the far end of the town.Beyond that street is the desert, and some distance from the town center.If they were the enemy, they would definitely choose such a place to fight.

The sky was a little dark, the street lights were not too bright, and the dim light was just enough to see the road clearly.Moreover, the visibility is quite low, beyond five meters, it is impossible to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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