ace warm marriage

Chapter 1566 Track down the murderer

Chapter 1566 Track down the murderer ([-])

Both of them brought weapons when they went out, and they didn't change their military uniforms. They were fully armed and walked towards the street ahead.

As they were walking, a cry for help came from their ears.

"Come on, help me."

Hearing the sound, the expressions of Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua changed at the same time, and then they quickly moved towards the direction of the sound.

The speed of the two was very fast, and within a short time, they arrived at the scene of the incident - in front of a residential building.When they arrived, two shadows were fighting.One of them yelled 'Come on, come on', 'Help' or something from time to time.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei saw it, and without further ado, they directly helped the person calling for help to deal with another person.

Due to the joining of the two, the person who was about to commit the murder was quickly beaten to the ground.

Si Zhanbei went forward, restrained the opponent, and then said to the person who was almost killed before, "Is there any rope at home? Find one and I'll tie this person up."

"Yes, yes, you wait." The man ran towards the house while talking.

After a while, the other party came over with the rope and walked up to Si Zhanbei.Si Zhanbei watched and reached out to catch the rope.

But right here, something happened suddenly.The person holding the rope did not pass the rope to Si Zhanbei, but put it directly over his head.

At the same time, two more people came out of the room and surrounded Sheng Fenghua.

The accident happened suddenly, but Si Zhanbei reacted immediately.Without waiting for the opponent to wrap the rope around him, he turned his head and kicked towards the opponent while avoiding it.

The man didn't expect Si Zhanbei to react so quickly, so he dodged and hit him with a rope.The two officially exchanged hands, and the enemy who had been beaten to the ground suddenly jumped up and joined the battle.

Both sides launched an attack at the same time, and neither Si Zhanbei nor Sheng Fenghua could save the other.He had to deal with his enemies first.

When Si Zhanbei saw that Sheng Fenghua was also surrounded by people, his expression became ugly.The move was fast and ruthless, even more fierce than at the beginning.

Although there were two opponents, one of them was already injured, so after a while, the enemy was still at a disadvantage.Si Zhanbei seized the opportunity and directly kicked the already injured enemy to the ground.

He used a lot of force in this kick, and after the enemy fell to the ground, he couldn't get up again.Once one is solved, the other is easier to solve.

However, the enemy also knew that he couldn't please him, so he took out a small knife from nowhere, and stabbed at Si Zhanbei's body.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei's reaction was sharp and he avoided it, but his clothes were scratched.

The enemy had weapons, but Si Zhanbei was a little wary.He had to deal with the enemy before he had a chance to kick the opponent's weapon away.

As for Sheng Fenghua, it was not easy.The enemy used weapons from the very beginning, trying to suppress Sheng Fenghua and even hurt her.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua's body is relatively flexible, so he can avoid and counterattack every time.Seeing the enemy move his sword, Sheng Fenghua naturally wouldn't sit still.She also had army thorns on her body, so she pulled them out from her legs and fought with the enemy.

With weapons, it is much easier to fight back.After a while, one of them was stabbed by Sheng Fenghua, bleeding.

Once the enemy is injured, he must be annoyed.Then he said to his companion: "Don't be soft, kill her directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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