ace warm marriage

Chapter 1578 First Arrive in Morrow

Chapter 1578 First Arrive in Morrow ([-])

"Boss, if Steven goes to his boss now, will he betray us?" Hu Dongyang asked in a low voice after chewing on a leg of lamb.

Although there was nothing unusual about Steven along the way, he was still a little worried.

After all, they are now in the enemy's hinterland, and if one fails, the entire army will be wiped out.

Before Si Zhanbei could speak, Sheng Fenghua answered, "Unless he wants to die."

Most of the terrorists are desperadoes, but they also cherish their lives.Can live well, who would be willing to die.The same is true for Steven, if he betrays them, the poison Sheng Fenghua gave him before will take effect.

Besides, they promised him a large sum of money.Isn't it for money that these people join terrorist organizations?Since he has money and can save his life, who would do something that will lose his head at any time?
"Steven won't betray us for the time being." Si Zhanbei also spoke afterward, this Steven is a man of current affairs.

Since he agreed to their conditions, he would definitely not betray them.After all, he hasn't got the money yet.

"Boss, what are we going to do after we have eaten?" the fox also asked in a low voice.

"According to what I said before, a group of several people will go around for a while."


After dinner, the group divided into groups and went shopping outside.Although it was already night, the night in Morrow Town was much more lively than that in Greentown.

Barbecues, bars, and even fireworks and singing and dancing.Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were in a group. They were originally husband and wife, so they pretended to be a couple and were heading towards singing and dancing.

It was the lively time, a fire was lit on the sand, and a group of people were singing and dancing around the fire.Seeing Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, a little girl who was dancing came to the two of them and asked, "You two are guests from afar, right? My name is Lisha, nice to meet you .”

"Miss Lisha, we are also very glad to meet you." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile, while Si Zhanbei kept his face cold as usual.

Generally speaking, whenever Si Zhanbei had a cold face, no one dared to approach him.But this Lisa is good, she is not afraid, which makes Sheng Fenghua have a little interest in her.

"We are friends now, can I invite you to dance with us?" Lisa looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked with a smile.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei and saw that he did not object, so he pulled him to join the dancing army.

In fact, the two of them don't know how to dance, they just twist their bodies casually with everyone.However, although the two were dancing, they were looking around at the people next to them.

Among these dancers, there are not only ordinary people, but also some trained soldiers.

The two could tell at a glance that these were not ordinary soldiers, but mercenaries.It has long been heard that this terrorist organization was originally composed of some mercenaries, so these people in front of them are probably members of the terrorist organization.

What Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua didn't expect was that Lisa was the daughter of one of the older mercenaries.

When a song and dance was over, the dancing people stopped and went to the side of the fire to drink, Lisa pulled the two of them to an older man, and introduced: "Dad, this is the man I just I met two new friends, Si Lin and Ning Hua."

Si Lin and Ning Hua are the aliases they used to introduce themselves to Lisa.

(End of this chapter)

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