ace warm marriage

Chapter 1579 First Arrive in Morrow

Chapter 1579 Arriving in Morrow for the First Time ([-])

After Lisha finished speaking, she introduced to Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua: "Si Lin, Ning Hua, this is my father, Ruide."

"Mr. Reid, hello!" Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua greeted each other while secretly looking at each other.

It can be seen that these people respect Reid more, and they are also faintly afraid of him.Obviously, Rhett's status here should be relatively high.

When Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were looking at each other, the other side was also looking at them.After Ruijie looked at the two of them from top to bottom, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "Are you from the caravan that followed Steven?"

"Exactly, Mr. Ruijie has a good eye." Si Zhanbei nodded lightly. It seems that this Mr. Reid, even if he is not the person in charge here, is also a high-level executive.Otherwise, how would they know that they were the caravan that came back with Steven.

"It's not because I have a good eye, but because this town is so small, we all know who comes and who leaves."

Reid replied indifferently, after looking at them just now, he could tell that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were not just ordinary businessmen.

Therefore, in his heart, he has already become wary of the two of them.Moreover, in the two of them, he also saw the breath of the same kind.

"Haha, that's true. We brought a lot of Chinese items. If Mr. Reid likes it, you can come to the market to have a look tomorrow. We will take the things to the market to trade tomorrow."

"Okay!" Rhett nodded, then glanced at his daughter, and said, "It's getting late, Lisa, go back and rest."

Lisa is also a smart girl, she can see that her father and Si Zhanbei have something to say.So, she left obediently.

When Lisa left, Reid looked at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "It's not as simple as being a businessman, is it?"

"Mr. Reid, why do you see that?" Si Zhanbei's expression was still calm, and he naturally knew that Mr. Reid did not believe them so easily.However, they didn't care, because they had expected this situation a long time ago, but they didn't expect to be seen through so quickly.

Reid didn't speak, but grabbed Si Zhanbei's hand violently.Naturally, Si Zhanbei couldn't let the opponent grab his hand, so his reaction was quick, and he backed away suddenly.

As soon as he retreated like this, Rhett's eyes narrowed instantly.Thinking to himself, he guessed correctly, Si Zhanbei is not as simple as an ordinary businessman.

Thinking of this, Rhett did not stop probing.He leaned forward again and fought with Si Zhanbei.Sheng Fenghua watched from the side without interfering.She could tell that the other party was just trying to test Si Zhanbei.

Since Si Zhanbei is not in danger, she will naturally not intervene.As soon as Reid and Si Zhanbei played against each other, they immediately attracted the attention of people nearby.Everyone looked over together, and then cheered for Rhett.

However, when everyone was cheering, Si Zhanbei found a loophole and gave Reid a hard kick, knocking him to the ground.

When everyone saw that Reid was injured, their faces immediately changed. They stepped forward and surrounded Si Zhanbei, and were about to make a move when Reid scolded them. They didn't move anymore, but turned to look at Rui Germany.

"It's just a discussion, so why are you so nervous?"

After hearing this, everyone relaxed, and then watched Si Zhanbei retreat slowly.At this time, Reid also stood up and looked at Si Zhanbei.

(End of this chapter)

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