ace warm marriage

Chapter 1593 Going to Save People

Chapter 1593 Going to Save People ([-])

In that case, not only them, but also Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua would be in danger.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was very worried.

In Qin Feng's worry, time passed bit by bit.In a blink of an eye, it was night.Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua stayed in the space all day and did not come out.

The husband and wife worked together to install all the equipment in the playground and tried the effect. They felt pretty good, so they felt relieved.

After a busy day, both husband and wife are a little tired.After resting for a while, Sheng Fenghua went to cook.Si Zhanbei also went in and helped Sheng Fenghua.

There are not many things stored in the space, Sheng Fenghua simply made an egg noodle and put a handful of vegetables.Speaking of this vegetable, she was bored one day, and thought that since medicinal materials can be grown here, can she also grow à la carte.

So, she bought a bag of green vegetable seeds and sprinkled them on Merlin's open space.After planting the seeds, she didn't really care about it.

Who would have thought that when she came in a few days later, she found that green vegetables had grown.And the green vegetables are growing very well.

For this reason, she got some other seeds and scattered them in the ground.So, now she also has a small vegetable garden in her space.

After eating, the two rested for a while, and then decided to go out to see the situation as planned.

At this moment, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua didn't know that Qin Feng and the others didn't leave at all, but were placed under house arrest.

What's more unknown is that Reid has arranged people to watch them everywhere, and as long as they appear, they will be found.

Of course, Reid is not a fairy, he doesn't know how to count, and he doesn't know that Sheng Fenghua has room.Therefore, his people are arranged in other places, not in the burned courtyard.

It was precisely because of this that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were able to come out smoothly.

When the two of them left the space, it happened to be around eight or nine o'clock in the evening.People in the town are either watching TV at home, dancing in the square, or drinking in bars.

After Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua got out of the space, they checked the surroundings first, and found nothing unusual before leaving the small courtyard.

Of course, when they came out, they put on makeup on purpose. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize them at all.

After the two left the small courtyard, according to the established plan, they went to various places to find out the distribution of the enemy's manpower and the important facilities.

Because the two of them put on makeup, no one recognized them for a while.In addition, there are people coming from time to time in this small town, and not many people pay attention to them.

Although Rhett's people were watching in the dark, they were almost unrecognizable once they put on makeup.Several times, the two passed directly in front of those people without them noticing.

However, the enemy didn't notice them, but Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua spotted those who were staring from the dark.

Seeing someone staring at them, the two immediately guessed sensitively.

"Daughter-in-law, it seems that something happened to Qin Feng and the others."

"I feel the same way. Next, what do we do?"

"They shouldn't be in any danger for the time being. Let's finish the mission first, and then we'll check their news." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said.

The reason why he said this was because it was impossible for Rhett to find out their real identities so quickly; secondly, he felt that Rhett and Sheng Fenghua would not have done anything to Qin Feng and the others so quickly if Rhett had not found him.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua didn't have any objections, her thoughts were similar to Si Zhanbei's.

(End of this chapter)

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