ace warm marriage

Chapter 1594 Going to Save People

Chapter 1594 Going to Save People ([-])

After the husband and wife discussed it, they didn't delay any longer, and went directly to other places to check.In one night, the two checked the situation of the whole town, and even drew a sketch map.As long as it is processed and polished, it can be sent to the superior.

For this reason, the two entered the space again, completed all the maps of Morrow Town, and then came out again, and then passed them on to their superiors.

After the information was issued, the husband and wife went to check on Qin Feng's affairs.When the two found out that Qin Feng and the others had been taken away by Ruide's men, and they didn't know where they were locked up, their faces were a little ugly.

Although this town is not big, there are many places where people are locked up.Moreover, people can be locked up in any place.What's more, it is said that where Qin Feng and the others are locked up, only Reid and his confidants know.

Now, the two are in trouble.It's impossible for them to turn the town over again.Not to mention that time is not allowed, even if time is allowed, the two are afraid that by the time they find them, something will happen.

Unable to find out the address where Qin Feng and the others are being held, the husband and wife can only rely on guesswork.Combined with the map they drew before, they marked three places where people might be locked up.

A place where Reid lives is heavily guarded, and it is not easy to save people.The second is the command center of the terrorists. Like Reid's house, there are three layers of armed forces inside and outside.

There is another place, which is said to be the dark prison in the town, and it is also a place where terrorists interrogate and torture people.

These three places, no matter which one, are not so easy to enter.If one fails to be found out, he may die.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to determine where Qin Feng and the others are.The two thought about it, and decided to sneak into the place where Reid lived to have a look.

Because the people who live there are Rhett's confidantes, they should know where the people are locked up.

Just do what you say, and after confirming the location, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua headed towards the place where Ruide lived.Although it was night, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, but people were still patrolling where Reid lived.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua approached carefully, and then dodged in before the patrolling people left and before the next group of people came.

As soon as they entered, the two felt the danger, so they moved their bodies and planned to exit.But at this moment, the lights suddenly turned on, and then Rhett came out surrounded by a group of confidants.

"Mr. Si, Ms. Ning, you are safe and sound." Looking at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, Reid said with a smile.

"You've got the wrong person." Sheng Fenghua raised his head and looked at Reid lightly. They had put on makeup now, and they couldn't recognize them just by looking at their faces.Therefore, she decided to make up her mind and refuse to admit it.

In this way, Rhett has nothing to do with them, and Qin Feng and the others will be safe for the time being.

"Miss Ning, do you think I won't recognize you if you change your appearance?" Reid sneered, and his eyes fell on Si Zhanbei.Si Zhanbei is the only one who has tied with him, and he will remember it for the rest of his life.

Although his appearance has changed a lot now, if you look carefully, you can still recognize him.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Sheng Fenghua made up his mind that he must never admit his identity, so he pretended not to understand.

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Ruide was not angry at all. He turned his eyes away from Si Zhanbei's body, landed on Sheng Fenghua's body, and said, "Miss Ning, to be honest, your makeup skills are pretty good. People can't recognize them at all. However, I am not an ordinary person. As long as it is someone I have met, even if the other party has turned into ashes, I can recognize it."

(End of this chapter)

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