ace warm marriage

Chapter 1595 Going to Save People

Chapter 1595 Going to Save People ([-])

"Mr. Rhett is really good. It's a pity that you are going to miss it today. We are really not the person you said."

Reid didn't believe Sheng Fenghua's words at all, he believed in his own feelings, so he said, "Really? Since you said that you are not the person I said, then I would like to ask, what are you doing here?"

"What?" Sheng Fenghua laughed, then blinked at Reid, and said, "Guess!"

"It seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin. If that's the case, then there's nothing else to say."

"Come on, go and bring some of those people out."

Reid ordered, and someone immediately went to the place where Qin Feng and the others were detained, and brought them out who were sleeping.He couldn't believe it anymore, Sheng Fenghua would still be stubborn when he saw his companion.

If she is still stubborn, he has plenty of ways to force her to admit it.

Hearing what Ruide said, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei exchanged a look, and then prepared to leave.Now that they know where Qin Feng and the others are, there is no need for them to stay here any longer.

They have to go back and figure out how to save people, not now.

Neither of them was a fool, so they naturally knew what Rhett was up to.They won't let Rhett get what he wants, though.After a while, if Qin Feng and the others really come out, their identities will be completely exposed.

Therefore, it is best for them to leave now.

So, the two immediately fired a shot at Reid, and then quickly retreated in the direction they came in.They want to go out, only from that place.

However, Rhett is not a fool.Moreover, he had already prepared his pockets here, waiting for Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua to sneak in.

Now that they are here, how can he let them go so easily.He understands the truth that letting the tiger go back to the mountain will cause endless troubles.

For this reason, he had already cut off the retreat for the two of them.Now, although the identities of the two have not been confirmed, Reid's intuition tells him that they must not be let go.

Not only them, even Qin Feng and others cannot let go.

When the gunshot rang, Reid's men were leading Qin Feng and the others out.Hearing the gunshot, Qin Feng and the others changed their expressions, knowing that it was Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua who had come.

So, they reacted immediately, directly killed the enemy who was detaining them, then grabbed the guns in their hands, and rushed outside.

It's just that there are many brothers, but there are only a few guns.Brothers without guns can only follow behind brothers with guns.

They rushed out of the room, and then shot again when they saw the enemies who had heard the gunshots and were going to support them.The one who grabs the gun grabs the gun, and the one who kills kills.

Many enemies came out, and soon the brothers had weapons in their hands.When there was a gunshot in the room, Reid immediately knew that something was wrong, and while changing his face, the opponent ordered: "Kill them!"

The "them" that Ruide mentioned naturally refers to Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.

There were many enemies and many guns, so Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to take cover temporarily to protect themselves.It's just that they stood in the yard, except for a few trees, there was nothing to protect them at all.

Moreover, those few trees were relatively small and could not protect them at all.No way, the two had no choice but to fight back as hard as they could, and then approached the house to ensure their own safety.

Just as the two of them approached the pillars in the corridor, a person appeared in their line of sight.That is Rhett's daughter Lisa.

Seeing Lisa, Sheng Fenghua's eyes lit up, and he immediately had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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