ace warm marriage

Chapter 1597 Leaving Morrow

Chapter 1597 Leaving Morrow ([-])

"Mr. Rhett, let me ask you again, do you want us to leave?"

"Dad!" Lisa also called out at the right time.

Seeing that there were too many people on Si Zhanbei's side, and seeing his daughter's pleading face, Ruide hesitated in his heart.

At this time, a confidant next to him suddenly said: "Boss, Miss Lisa is your only daughter, don't you just watch her being killed like this?"

How could Rhett be willing, Lisa is his daughter.The reason why I said that before is that there is an element of anger in it.

Yes, he was angry, angry that Lisa didn't stay in the room well, but ran outside.So much so that she was caught by Sheng Fenghua.

If Lisa hadn't been caught by them and asked him to throw a mouse, these people would have been wiped out long ago.But now it's good, because of Lisa, not only can't he kill these people, but he also wants to let them go.

When he thought of this, he couldn't swallow the breath in his heart.

But if they are not let go, what if they really kill Lisa?
Reid struggled for a long time, and finally let go, and said, "Let Lisa go, I'll let you go."

"That's impossible, Miss Lisa has to accompany us for a while." Sheng Fenghua smiled and shook her head. She was also betting just now on whether Reid really cared about Lisa's daughter.Obviously, she bet right.

"You turned your back on what you said!" Reid was dizzy and stared at Sheng Fenghua.Just agreed, he let them go, they let Lisa go.But now, they said they wanted Lisa to give them a ride.

Damn it, what if Lisa was killed after they got out?Isn't he worth the loss?
"Mr. Rhett, you don't think we are fools, do you? What if you turn around and don't let us out if we let Lisa go?"

These days, no one is a fool.And it's reasonable for Sheng Fenghua to be worried, isn't it?
Lisa was happy when she heard that her father had agreed to Sheng Fenghua's terms.But she didn't expect that she had to send them a while by herself.

She shares Rhett's concerns about this.Worried about going out, Sheng Fenghua wouldn't let them come back.

"Mr. Reid, have you made a decision?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help urging when he saw that Reid had stopped talking again.

Reid glanced at Sheng Fenghua and his group, finally agreed, and gestured to his subordinates, saying, "Let them go."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Sheng Fenghua again and said, "If you dare not keep your promise, then no matter how far you go, I will not let you go."

"Mr. Reid, don't worry, we will definitely return Miss Lisa to you intact." After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he winked at Si Zhanbei, and then everyone walked towards the gate together. .

Seeing that they were able to go out, Qin Feng and others were very happy in their hearts. They assigned some people to open the way ahead, while they cut off the rear with the other brothers.

Naturally, Morrow Town couldn't stay any longer, so they headed towards the desert.They rushed all the way, and they didn't release Lisa until ten kilometers away from Morrow Town.

And Mo Luo's people kept following, seeing Lisa being thrown in the desert, they didn't bother to chase after Si Zhanbei and the others, they first checked Lisa's situation and made sure she was fine, and then asked to take her back.

As for the others, they went to chase Si Zhanbei and his party.

Rhett agreed to let them go, but he didn't say that he wouldn't care about it afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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