ace warm marriage

Chapter 1598 Leaving Morrow

Chapter 1598 Leaving Morrow ([-])

Moreover, they stayed in Morrow for five full years.I am quite familiar with this desert.What's more, they still rode horses, while Si Zhanbei and the others relied on two legs.

Two legs can't run with four legs.Seeing that they were about to be caught up, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to stop, and then said to Si Zhanbei: "Zhanbei, I want to take out my weapon, you have to let someone block it for a while."

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and then said to Qin Feng and others: "Let's go to the front to stop the enemy first."

The reason why Si Zhanbei wanted to take the brothers away was also to prevent Sheng Fenghua from exposing her space.

The brothers didn't think too much, and followed Si Zhanbei to stop the enemy.At this time, Sheng Fenghua stepped into the space and took out everyone's weapons and equipment, as well as her medical bag.

After taking out these things, Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, and took out the row of mortars again.With this big killer, it is much easier to deal with the enemy.

After Sheng Fenghua took out the things, he immediately sent a signal to Si Zhanbei, then held the platoon gun and aimed it in the direction of the enemy.

With a loud bang, the enemy who was originally on horseback was blown into the air.When Qin Feng and others saw this scene, they were completely stunned. It took a while to come back to their senses and look behind them.

When they saw that it was Sheng Fenghua's hand, they were excited and surprised.This shot not only killed the enemies, but also saved them a lot of bullets.

With one shot, the enemy was blasted to pieces, and the rest were quickly solved by Qin Feng and others.

After all the enemies were dealt with, Qin Feng returned to where Sheng Fenghua was, and was surprised again when he saw the equipment and the platoon artillery placed aside.

If they remember correctly, these things were placed in the headquarters of Greentown at that time.But now, these things appear here.Could it be that these things have long legs?

This idea flashed, and the brothers quickly rejected it.There's absolutely no way this thing has legs.The only possibility is that these things were brought by Sheng Fenghua.

But how did she bring it?

"What are you doing in a daze, and if you don't get your own equipment, the enemy might come again later." Seeing his brothers in a daze, Si Zhanbei couldn't help but say something.

After listening to Si Zhanbei's words, the brothers came back to their senses, then glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and each picked up their own equipment.

After everyone had put their gear on their backs, Si Zhanbei looked at them seriously and said, "I hope everyone will keep their mouths shut about what happened today."

Qin Feng and the others were taken aback for a moment, but they quickly realized what Si Zhanbei was talking about, so they all fell silent, looking at Sheng Fenghua with even more surprise.

Si Zhanbei glanced at the faces of the brothers, and then said: "If I know who leaked what happened today, don't blame me for being merciless."

The brothers were shocked when they heard the words, knowing that Si Zhanbei was not joking, they all became serious and said, "Don't worry, boss, we promise not to say a word."

"Very good!" Si Zhanbei nodded in satisfaction after seeing everyone express their opinions, and then said, "Let's go, let's go back to Greentown."

"Go back to Green City now?" The brothers were stunned again, their task had not been completed yet.Why did you go back so soon?
"Boss, what is our mission?" A brother couldn't help asking.The others also looked at Si Zhanbei, waiting for his answer.

(End of this chapter)

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