ace warm marriage

Chapter 1599 Leaving Morrow

Chapter 1599 Leaving Morrow ([-])

That's right, they came with a mission. Now that the mission has not been completed, it would be a bit unreasonable to just go back like this.

"The task has been completed." Si Zhanbei said lightly.

"What?" The brothers were surprised, some couldn't believe their ears, and asked, "Boss, what do you mean, our task can be completed by you and sister-in-law alone?"

"Why, can't it?" Si Zhanbei glanced at Hu Dongyang who was speaking, and asked back.

"Yes, yes. Why can't it? The boss and sister-in-law have finished the task directly, and we are all fine."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Now that the task is completed, let's go back." Qin Feng glanced at Hu Dongyang and said.

After hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was about to walk towards the green city.However, before they could go far, there was a sound of horseshoes behind them.

Hearing the sound, everyone's expressions changed, they stopped, and looked behind them.On the horizon behind them, a row of black shadows was galloping towards them.

"No, the enemy is chasing you." Si Zhanbei's face became ugly, and he looked at the enemy who was getting closer, and ordered: "Find a place to hide."

However, this is a desert, and there is nowhere to hide except in the dunes.

The brethren glanced around, and soon found a dune where they could hide.When the brothers hid, the enemy was already very close.

Sheng Fenghua looked at it and frowned.The enemy was running too fast, even if she used a platoon artillery, it might not be easy to hit the target.

Now, we can only wait for them to get closer before fighting.She knew that the closer the enemy got, the slower it would be.

Closer, closer.Sheng Fenghua slowly adjusted the attack distance of the platoon cannon.Then the shells were loaded and fired at the enemy.

The enemy didn't know that there was a platoon artillery here, so they didn't take precautions.It wasn't until he saw the shells flying overhead that he panicked and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

They could only push the horse forward desperately.And Sheng Fenghua had expected them to be like this, so he deliberately adjusted the distance to the front.

In this way, the more the enemy ran forward, the shell exploded just above their heads.

With a bang, the enemy was dead or wounded, and a large area fell immediately.

The rest of the people looked at it, and their faces changed immediately, and they moved towards the two sides to avoid it.After avoiding them, they immediately asked for help from Mo Luo, and reported to the top that Si Zhanbei and the others had heavy weapons.

When Reid heard that Si Zhanbei and the others had heavy weapons, his expression became ugly.Before, after Lisa returned safely, he immediately ordered to hunt down Si Zhanbei and his party, and kill them all before they returned to Green City.

For this reason, he specially asked them to chase Si Zhanbei and his party on horseback, but he didn't expect that Si Zhanbei and the others had heavy weapons.

Damn it, if he knew this, he would have sent his men with heavy weapons.

No matter how angry Reid was, Sheng Fenghua was not soft on the enemy at all, one shot after another, directly blasting the enemy to pieces.

Of course, with many enemies, there are quite a few fish that slip through the net.Those who were not killed ran towards their hiding places again.

Qin Feng and others had already set up their guns and waited.It is said that when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture a thief, you first capture the king.They shot directly at the enemy's horse in the crotch.

As soon as the horse was injured, it directly lifted the person on it off.In this way, it will be much more convenient for the enemy to be eliminated without any means of transportation.

(End of this chapter)

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