ace warm marriage

Chapter 1600 Leaving Morrow

Chapter 1600 Leaving Morrow ([-])

The gunshots continued, you came and I went.The enemy is not a fool, and immediately found a place to hide when he had no means of transportation.

In this way, it will be more difficult to hit the opponent.Si Zhanbei watched and immediately made several gestures to his brothers.It means to outflank on both sides and encircle on three sides.

The fox and Hu Dongyang nodded immediately, and each took three brothers, and then went roundabout to both sides.

The enemy hid behind the sand dunes and did not dare to show their heads, for fear of being shot by Si Zhanbei and the others.For this reason, it is convenient for Hu Dongyang and the others, so that they don't have to worry about the enemy's bullets.

The few people are getting closer and closer to the enemy, they only need a little more time, and they can catch them all in one go.But at this moment, their whereabouts were exposed.

The enemy found them, so the bullets shot at them crazily.

The brothers rolled on the spot, avoiding the bullets, and then fell on the ground and fought back.It's just that the enemy has an advantage behind the dunes.

But the brothers were on flat ground, and their firepower was suppressed.

Seeing that this was not going to work, Hu Dongyang said to his brothers: "Grenade!"

So, the brothers took off the grenades on their bodies and threw them towards the enemy.A thunder passed, and the enemy's gunshots fell silent.

The gunshots were no longer heard, and the brothers did not dare to be careless. They waited for a while before quietly approaching the enemy.

When they got there, there were only two or three enemies left alive.So, without saying a word, the brothers shot one by one, and directly eliminated the enemy.

After killing the enemy, the brothers took a breath and prepared to leave.But at this moment, the enemy who was knocked out by the blast and thought to be dead by the brothers suddenly opened his eyes, and pointed the gun at Hu Dongyang's back.

"Be careful!" The brother at the side saw it, shouted, and rushed towards Hu Dongyang, blocking the bullet for him.

When the gunshot rang out, Hu Dongyang suddenly came back to his senses, and saw the figure of the brother who blocked the bullet for him falling towards the ground.

"Gangzi!" Hu Dongyang yelled, and then fired a shot at the sneak attacking enemy, then squatted down and helped Gangzi up.

"Gangzi, how are you? Are you okay?" Hu Dongyang looked at Gangzi with regret and self-blame.If it weren't for him, Gangzi wouldn't have been shot.

If he had been more careful, Gangzi would not have been shot.

"I'm fine, I can't die!" Gangzi looked at Hu Dongyang's remorseful face, and smiled at him.I don't want to, he smiled like this, but he pulled the wound, and it hurt immediately.So much so that the smile that was revealed was uglier than crying.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, come quickly, Gangzi has been shot." Hu Dongyang saw that Gangzi was still able to speak, his hanging heart relaxed a little, and then he shouted at Sheng Fenghua.

When Sheng Fenghua saw Gangzi fall down, he had already approached them with a medical bag.When Hu Dongyang shouted, she was almost here.

Sheng Fenghua soon arrived in front of Hu Dongyang and the others, glanced at the pale Gangzi who was enduring the pain, and said to Hu Dongyang: "Turn over his, let me see where the injury is."

Hu Dongyang turned Gangzi over, exposing his back.The enemy's shot hit Gangzi's waist.

Sheng Fenghua took a look at the wound, but luckily it wasn't very deep.However, the bullet must be removed first.So, she said to Gangzi: "I want to help you take out the bullet, there is no anesthetic, please bear with it."

(End of this chapter)

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