ace warm marriage

Chapter 1601 Aircraft Bombing

Chapter 1601 Aircraft Bombing ([-])

"Sister-in-law, do it, I can bear it." Gangzi said with pain.Sheng Fenghua took a look at Gangzi, then took out a needle to seal up the wound, and then took out the tool for picking up the bullet.

Although Sheng Fenghua gave Gangzi local anesthesia with silver needles, it still hurt a little when he actually took the bullet.Fortunately, as a soldier, Gangzi can bear it, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

After taking out the bullet, Sheng Fenghua sterilized him and bandaged the wound, and that's it.

"Your injury is serious, you need to rest well." Sheng Fenghua ordered, then looked at Si Zhanbei, Qin Feng and others who had come, and said, "Let's go back as soon as possible, Gangzi probably won't be able to walk anymore. .”

"Come here, carry Gangzi on your back, let's go." Si Zhanbei glanced at Gangzi, and immediately ordered.They have no means of transportation now, and it will take more time to return to Greentown.

Moreover, I don't know if the enemy will send people to chase after me, so I have to leave as soon as possible.

Hu Dongyang stepped forward and directly carried Gangzi on his back.Gangzi was injured because he saved him, so the person who carried Gangzi must be him.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Gangzi who was being carried by Hu Dongyang, and at the horse that was blown to death by him in the distance, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

If they had horses, they would be able to return to Greentown much faster.It's a pity, I didn't expect this before, and the enemy was blown up as soon as the shell passed, and even their horse was blown up.

Even if some horses survived, they were shot to death.

"Let's go!" Seeing his young wife in a daze, Si Zhanbei thought she was feeling bad about Gangzi's injury, so he said, "We are soldiers, and it's normal for us to be injured during missions. As long as we survive Now, everything is easy to talk about."

If life is gone, then there is really nothing.

"I know." Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then headed towards Green City with Si Zhanbei and the others.

In Morrow Town, Reid has been waiting for news from his subordinates.But an hour passed, and there was no news at all.He had no choice but to ask someone to contact the person who went out.

But I didn't want to, no matter who I contacted, I didn't even hear back.Seeing this situation, Rhett knew that something had happened to his subordinates.

He was extremely annoyed, and deeply doubted the ability of his subordinates to handle affairs.Si Zhanbei and the others only had a few people, but the number of people he sent out before was five or six times as many.

But he didn't want to, he sent so many people out, and none of them survived.How could he not be angry, how could he not be annoyed?
When Rhett was dying, a subordinate walked in and said to Rhett: "Boss, there is news about the matter you asked me to check that day."

"Say!" Reid glanced at his subordinates and said lightly.

"Boss, I have already found out that they are not businessmen at all, but Chinese special forces."

"Special Forces? Name!" Reid's face became more and more ugly. No wonder Slin was able to draw with him before. It turned out that he came from the army, and he was from the elite unit of the Chinese army.

"Lone wolf!" The subordinate spat out two words, which made Reid's face change drastically, and he lost his voice: "What did you say, they are from the Lone Wolf Special Forces?"


"Damn it!" Rhett cursed in a low voice, and then shouted, "Come on!"

If he had known earlier that they were the Lone Wolf Special Forces, he would never let them leave.

(End of this chapter)

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