ace warm marriage

Chapter 182 His Property

Chapter 182 His Property
After going downstairs, seeing Zhao Gang waiting downstairs, Si Zhanbei said to him: "Gangzi, lend me your car. You go back to the agency first. I will return the car when it is used up."

"Okay!" Without further ado, Zhao Gang threw the car keys to Si Zhanbei, then took a taxi by himself and left.

Si Zhanbei drove Zhao Gang's car to a high-end residential area.

Sheng Fenghua knew at a glance that the management of this community was relatively strict, and ordinary people could not enter at all.When Si Zhan was heading north, he still took out a card and swiped it, and the security guard came to the car door to confirm it before letting them in.

After entering the community, Si Zhanbei drove the car to a building and stopped.

"Daughter-in-law, get out of the car!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua still in a daze in the car, Si Zhanbei reminded her with a smile.

Sheng Fenghua got out of the car, Si Zhanbei led her into the elevator, and then pressed the number key 9.

On the ninth floor, the elevator stopped, and Si Zhanbei led Sheng Fenghua to room 901, then took out the key from his body and opened the door.

Seeing Si Zhanbei's actions, Sheng Fenghua's eyes flickered.Si Zhanbei should have been prepared, otherwise he wouldn't have brought the key with him.

Si Zhanbei entered the room first, saw Sheng Fenghua still standing outside the door, smiled, and pulled her in.

The room looks very clean, without a trace of dust, it can be seen that it is cleaned frequently.

Si Zhanbei pulled Sheng Fenghua to sit down on the sofa in the living room, then went to the refrigerator to get her a bottle of water, handed it to her and said, "Daughter-in-law, wait for me here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei went directly into the master bedroom.

Sheng Fenghua took the water, unscrewed the lid, took a sip, and looked around the whole room.This room is relatively large, about 150 square meters. The decoration style is a bit more European style, and the decoration lines are relatively tough and crisp. At first glance, it belongs to Si Zhanbei's style.

The price of such a house is definitely not low.It seems that Si Zhanbei is still an invisible rich man.

Sheng Fenghua muttered to himself while looking at the room.

Not long after, Si Zhanbei came out of the bedroom, holding a file bag in his hand, and placed it in front of Sheng Fenghua.

"What is this?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei in confusion, wondering what he was doing with a file bag for himself.

"Open it and have a look!" Si Zhanbei motioned with a smile, letting Sheng Fenghua open it himself.

Sheng Fenghua glanced suspiciously at Si Zhanbei, who was pretending to be mysterious, and untied the rope from the file bag, and took out the contents.

The first thing to take out is a few real estate certificates, and then a few equity contracts.

Seeing the things he took out, Sheng Fenghua's eyes widened.

"Is this yours?" She looked at Si Zhanbei and asked.Although she had guessed just now that Si Zhanbei might be a rich man.But when five or six real estate certificates appeared in front of her, she was still surprised.

What kind of rich man is this? This is simply a local tyrant, okay?

"It will be yours from now on." Si Zhanbei replied with a smile, which shocked Sheng Fenghua again, and asked, "Are you going to give these things to me?"

"Is it not possible?" Si Zhanbei raised his eyebrows, looking at his little wife with some amusement.

This is just a part of his many properties, and the little wife was so surprised. If he told her all the things in his hands, I don't know if she would faint from fright.

Sheng Fenghua didn't answer, but put the real estate certificate aside, and went to look through the equity certificates.

However, when she saw the company marked on the equity certificate, she was shocked again, staring blankly at Si Zhanbei, speechless.

 The second watch will continue tomorrow, good night everyone!Don't forget to bookmark, vote, and leave a message. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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