ace warm marriage

Chapter 183 All for you

Chapter 183 All for you
This is a well-known enterprise KA in the whole country!
Speaking of KA, it was a company that emerged only ten years ago, but it was like a dark horse. In just three years, it became one of the top ten companies in the country.

And Si Zhanbei actually owns KA's shares, and it's still 30.00%.Sure enough, there is no most local tyrant, only more local tyrant.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei with nothing but shock on his face.What good thing did she do in her previous life to marry such a local tyrant.Moreover, it is such a low-key local tyrant.

If he hadn't shown these things to her himself, no one would have figured out that he was actually one of KA's shareholders.

No wonder that at the auction that day, Liu Rui would tell her to buy whatever he liked. It turned out that he was really not short of money.

I thought I was already very good, selling 1000 million yuan for a single ginseng, but compared with Si Zhanbei, I was really far behind.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

"You, you?" It took a long time for Sheng Fenghua to recover his voice, looking at Si Zhanbei, he didn't know what to say.He even said that he would give her all his property, did you hear me right?
Seeing Sheng Fenghua's shocked look, Si Zhanbei couldn't help laughing, and said, "What's the matter, are you scared?"

"Um, a little bit." Sheng Fenghua nodded, admitting that he was indeed frightened.In today's society, which man would be so generous that he would give all his property to his wife.

Otherwise, no man would secretly save his private money because he gave his salary card to his wife.

But she could tell that Si Zhanbei was telling the truth, and he really wanted to give her these things.But, she couldn't accept it calmly.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Si Zhanbei reached out to rub her hair, and said, "It's okay, as long as you know a little bit, even if you don't do anything, I can support you, my husband."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei pointed to the things on the table again, and said, "I have asked the lawyer to transfer these things to your name."

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei seriously, and said, "Thank you, Zhanbei. I accept your wishes, but I cannot accept these things."

"Why? You are my wife, and what is mine is yours, isn't it?" Si Zhanbei frowned, looking at Sheng Fenghua's puzzled face.

If it was someone else, they would definitely accept the things happily.After all, this is not a small amount of money, enough to spend several lifetimes.

"Since you've said everything, what's yours is mine, so why bother?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei indifferently. Since he said that what's his is hers, why should the lawyer transfer the things to her? under the name ofIn his name, isn't it the same?
Besides, even though Si Zhanbei was her husband, he was very kind to her.How could she appropriate his property?

"That's true." Si Zhanbei nodded, apparently agreeing with Sheng Fenghua's words, but he had another plan in his heart.Since Sheng Fenghua was unwilling to accept it, he could only deal with it secretly.

Since he had decided to give these things to Sheng Fenghua, he would not take them back.However, now that she knew Sheng Fenghua's attitude, she couldn't let her know for the time being.

Si Zhanbei made a decision in his mind, and watched Sheng Fenghua put the things back with a smile on his face, and then solemnly handed them over to him, saying: "I live in this house. You still need to keep these things Keep it."

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei didn't refuse either, and responded with a smile.

 Third watch, thanks to Mi Yi and Lele for their rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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