ace warm marriage

Chapter 184 Buying Land

Chapter 184 Buying Land
Si Zhanbei put the things back in the safe, and then took Sheng Fenghua to visit each room to see if there was anything to add.

After walking around the house, Sheng Fenghua had already written down the things he wanted to buy.It is convenient to travel while having a car.

The two went downstairs, went to the supermarket to buy things, and then in this new home, the couple cooked their first meal.

After eating, the two rested for a while before going out again.This time, Sheng Fenghua was looking for a place to build a factory.

It turned out that Sheng Fenghua wanted to find it by herself, but now that she knew that Si Zhanbei had a wide network of contacts, she directly asked him to help.

Si Zhanbei was very happy when he heard that his little wife wanted to help himself.He finally came in handy as a husband.

So, Si Zhanbei made a phone call in front of Sheng Fenghua, then hung up the phone and told her that there is a piece of land in the North District, which is more suitable for her to build a factory, and the most important thing is that it is far from her office building and where she lives now Not too far from this place.

Sheng Fenghua became happy when he heard this, and urged Si Zhanbei to take her to see places.

So, the two drove to the North District.

Sure enough, it took only half an hour for the two of them to arrive at the place.Looking at the whole piece of land, Sheng Fenghua's eyes lit up.

Not long after their car stopped, a Humvee drove over.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of them, and a middle-aged man got off, came to Si Zhanbei, and called out respectfully: "Young Master Si."

Si Zhanbei nodded, and then introduced Sheng Fenghua to the other party: "This is my wife, Sheng Fenghua."

"Young Madam." The man called out, and then introduced himself: "I am Wang Yiming, a friend of Young Master Si."

"Mr. Wang, hello!" Sheng Fenghua greeted with a smile.

"Young Madam wants to buy land?" Wang Yiming looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.Knowing that Si Zhanbei is a soldier, it is impossible for him to go into business, so he can only be Sheng Fenghua.

"Buy land?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback. Originally, she wanted to rent land, but she didn't want Si Zhanbei to tell the other party that she wanted to buy land.

However, there is an advantage to buying land, since the land will be hers from now on.So, after thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua acquiesced, and said, "Yes, I want to buy a piece of land to build a factory."

"Well, this land is under the name of our company, and we don't plan to use it for the time being. If the young lady wants it, we can buy it for you first."

Before Wang Yiming came, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had already seen the land, and they were satisfied with both the size and the location.

Since Wang Yiming is willing to sell, Sheng Fenghua is of course willing to buy it.

"Yes, when can I go through the formalities?" Sheng Fenghua is also a straightforward person, and he is also impatient.She can't wait to start her own business, so the sooner these pre-investment things are finalized, the more she will get.

Because in the future, she still has to recruit some people, and there are still many things to be busy.

Wang Yiming glanced at Si Zhanbei, saw him nodding, and then replied: "It can be done now."

"In this case, let's find a place and go through the formalities." Sheng Fenghua made a decisive decision without asking Si Zhanbei's opinion.

She still trusted the person introduced by Si Zhanbei.Coupled with Wang Yiming's attitude towards Si Zhanbei, he would definitely not cheat her.

"Okay, sir, please, young lady." Wang Yiming made a gesture of invitation to the two, then got into the car, led the way, and brought the two to his company.

(End of this chapter)

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