ace warm marriage

Chapter 196 Father Bai's Threat

Chapter 196 Father Bai's Threat
Captain Bai, and the one who came to trouble her, there should be no one else except Bai Feifei's father.

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Head Bai, does it?" Si Zhanbei replied coldly. He and Head Bai are not on the same side.Although the other party is the head of the regiment, his special brigade is not under the control of the other party.

"It doesn't matter?" Head Bai sneered and said, "If it's something else, of course it has nothing to do with me, but if it's about my daughter, then it has a lot to do with it."

"Captain Bai, I don't know what you mean by that?" Si Zhanbei's complexion was a bit grim. He had always hated Bai Feifei, but his impression of Captain Bai was not that bad.But now, seeing Leader Bai like this, he has only one feeling, that like a daughter, like a father.

Sure enough, how can bad bamboos produce good ones?

"What's going on?" Tuan Zhang looked at Si Zhanbei with an angry look on his face, "My daughter was hurt like that by your wife, don't tell me you don't know."

"Tuan Zhang, please explain what you have to say. What happened to your daughter? What does this have to do with my wife?" Si Zhanbei frowned, although he was wondering if Sheng Fenghua did something to Bai Feifei. What, but it doesn't show on the face at all.

No matter what Sheng Fenghua did, it was Bai Feifei's fault.If it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua who she calculated first, how could Sheng Fenghua take action against her?
"Si Zhanbei, good, very good." Tuan Zhang pointed at Si Zhanbei, very angry.He felt that Si Zhanbei did it on purpose, and even felt that Bai Feifei's accident was caused by Si Zhanbei behind the scenes.

Otherwise, how would Sheng Fenghua, a girl who just came from the countryside, know the gangsters here, and how would she dare to attack Bai Feifei?

"Captain Bai?" Si Zhanbei's brows furrowed even deeper, and he looked at Commander Bai lightly, feeling more and more displeased.He prefers to be straightforward, instead of saying half and keeping the other half like Tuan Zhang.

This is also the reason why he has always disliked Bai Feifei, because he thought it was too fake.

"Commander Si Battalion, you can protect her for a while, but you can't protect her forever. We'll see." Tuan Zhang glared at Si Zhanbei, then left angrily.

Before, he also heard that Si Zhanbei treated his wife badly, so after hearing Bai Feifei's cry, he came here to trouble Sheng Fenghua.

Of course, he also intended to test Si Zhanbei, because Si Zhanbei had never been close to them.

But the result of this temptation was beyond his expectation. Si Zhanbei actually protected this woman from the countryside so much, and even didn't give him any face.

It seems that, as everyone said, he does not bother to join any party.

Looking at the back of Captain Bai leaving, and the words he just said echoed in his ears, Sheng Fenghua came out from behind Si Zhanbei, looked at Si Zhanbei with a worried face, and said: "Zhanbei, Did I get you into trouble again?"

"What's causing trouble? Don't think too much, it's okay." Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua's worried little eyes, smiled and rubbed her head, comforting her.

"Is it really okay?" Sheng Fenghua looked skeptical. Judging from the expression of Captain Bai just now, he didn't look like a normal person at all. He would definitely do something to Si Zhanbei behind his back.

"Don't think too much, it has nothing to do with you. He has always wanted to trouble me, and I am not on the same side as them." Si Zhanbei explained a little bit, he knew that Sheng Fenghua was a sensible person, and he should understand what he meant.

(End of this chapter)

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