Chapter 197
Sure enough, after hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Sheng Fenghua's self-blame lessened, but he was still a little worried.

After thinking about it later, she is still too weak to help Si Zhanbei at all.No matter how worried you are, it's useless. Instead of doing this, it's better to strengthen yourself.

After figuring it out, the expression on Sheng Fenghua's face gradually eased, which made Si Zhanbei heave a sigh of relief.He was worried that Sheng Fenghua would go into a dead end.

She didn't want Sheng Fenghua to get involved in men's affairs, it would not be good for her.That's why he chose to hide some things from her.

Because, the more she knew, the more dangerous she was.Also, she couldn't help, she couldn't do anything but worry.

It's just that Si Zhanbei was a little worried about Sheng Fenghua when he thought of what Captain Bai said just now.Even though he knew that she had some skills and some secrets, he was still worried, so he said to her, "Daughter-in-law, let me find some people to follow you, okay?"

Sheng Fenghua is transparent, he knew what Si Zhanbei was worried about when he heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "You don't have to worry, I can protect myself. And, you forgot, I still have a secret ?”

When it comes to his secret, Sheng Fenghua is a little proud.When she is in danger, she can hide.

However, after hearing her words, Si Zhanbei looked serious and said, "Daughter-in-law, I know that you have good skills, and I also know that you have secrets. But I hope that your skills will not be known as much as possible. The less secrets people know, the better."

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei, and she seemed to understand something when her eyes met, so she said, "Do you want me to keep a few more hole cards?"

Si Zhanbei nodded with a smile, Sheng Fenghua is really smart, he knows everything.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, and felt that Si Zhanbei's words made sense, so he agreed with a smile.Seeing his little wife understand his intentions, Si Zhanbei also became happy.

At this time, Si Zhanbei's phone rang.He picked it up and saw that it belonged to Ning Ruize, so he glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Daughter-in-law, you go first, I'll answer the phone."

Sheng Fenghua nodded with a smile, knowing that Si Zhanbei's phone call might involve confidentiality, which is not suitable for him to know.

"Let's talk!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua leave first, Si Zhanbei said to the phone.

However, when Si Zhanbei listened to Ning Ruize's words, he was in a bad mood. Looking at Sheng Fenghua's back in front of him, his eyes were full of pity.

After feeling pity, a sense of loss rose again in my heart.She didn't even tell him that such a big thing happened, which made him feel that Sheng Fenghua still lacked some trust in him.

If it wasn't for Ning Rui, he would have called, he would have no idea that Sheng Fenghua was on the line of life and death.Thinking of the consequences, Si Zhanbei was furious.

A little obstetrician even hit his daughter-in-law with a car, impatient with trouble.

Thinking about it, Si Zhanbei quickly pressed a series of numbers, and ordered: "Help me find someone..."

After making the phone call, Si Zhanbei quickly caught up with Sheng Fenghua, then pulled her to a stop, and looked at her seriously.

"Zhan Bei, what's the matter?" Looking at Si Zhanbei who suddenly became so serious, Sheng Fenghua was puzzled, thinking that he had another mission, so he said, "Is there another mission? It's okay, you go Go ahead. Don't worry about me."

Si Zhanbei didn't answer, but asked, "Daughter-in-law, is there something you forgot to tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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