ace warm marriage

Chapter 236 Come Prepared

Chapter 236 Come Prepared
Following the sound, several law enforcement officers walked in.

"Who is the owner of this store? We received a report that someone was selling fake medicines." A woman in uniform walked in with two subordinates and asked loudly.

"I am!" Si Zhanbei looked up at the few people and said calmly.

"You?" The woman was slightly taken aback when she saw Si Zhanbei in military uniform.This is inconsistent with the reports they received.The whistleblower said that the owner of this store is a petite woman in her 20s, and when did she become a soldier.

No, when can soldiers do business?

The woman figured it out quickly, and said to Si Zhanbei: "Comrade soldier, please let the real shopkeeper come out, otherwise we will sue you for disrupting official duties."

"This store is opened by my wife. Do you think I am the owner?" Si Zhanbei asked indifferently, and then he saw the two men who came to find fault approaching several law enforcement officers, and his eyes flashed. Cold, without waiting for them to approach, he directly shot and knocked them out.

"Come here, look at these two." Si Zhanbei ordered, and the company's security ran over and took them away.

"Wait a minute!" The woman in uniform watched, trying to stop the security guard from taking her away.No, Si Zhanbei gave her a cold look and said, "Comrade, these two people are suspected of framing, and we have already called the police."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, the two were taken away directly.

Not long after the two of them were brought down, the people from the Public Security Bureau came.As soon as they came, they walked up to Si Zhanbei and asked him, "Major Si, hello!"

"Hello!" Si Zhanbei nodded to the comrades in the Public Security Bureau, and then said: "Today my wife's company opened, someone deliberately framed it, please help me to check it out, and find out who is behind it. who is it?"

"Okay, don't worry, we will solve the case as soon as possible."

"Thank you very much. Except for one patient, the other two people have been taken down by the company's security guards. Just ask the security guards."

"Okay, Major Nasi, please do your work first, and we'll pick him up."

The comrades from the Public Security Bureau said a few words and went to the security guards.

Seeing that the people from the Public Security Bureau were so polite to Si Zhanbei, and hearing them call him 'major', the female law enforcement officer was secretly startled.

The arrogance that came here at the beginning disappeared, and the whole person became more polite, saying: "Comrade, since we are here today, we can't come in vain. Since someone reported you for selling fake medicines, we have to bring Some go back and check."

"Yes, but after the drug is checked, you have to return it as it is." Si Zhanbei nodded, and he will cooperate with the work of law enforcement officers.

Considering that the effect of the drug that the little wife said is better than that on the market outside, so I specifically mentioned that I want to return the sample.

"Okay!" The lesbian nodded without thinking too much, then led someone into the counter, picked out a few bottles of medicine from the shelf behind, and came back.

When they took the medicine and left, Si Zhanbei stopped them and said, "Wait a minute, please?"

"Anything else?"

"We need to register these medicines." After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he ordered the service staff on the side, and said, "Remember the serial numbers of these bottles of medicine."

"Okay!" The waiter responded, smiled at several law enforcement officers, and said, "Excuse me, can you register the medicine for me first?"

(End of this chapter)

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