ace warm marriage

Chapter 237 Uneasy

Chapter 237 Uneasy
The lesbian's face was a little ugly, and she was about to have an attack, but thinking of the fear of Si Zhanbei from the public security bureau just now, she had to suppress her emotions and signal to the person behind her to give the medicine to the waiter.

The waiter quickly wrote down the number and returned the medicine to several people.

After receiving the medicine, the few of them didn't stay long and planned to leave.No, but Feng Rui came over suddenly, looked at the people and said, "Comrades, I'm sorry, could you leave your names and contact information?"

He went to the reception just now, and rushed back after hearing what happened here.Now, Sheng Fenghua is not here. As the executive of the company, he can't let these people leave without knowing why.Otherwise, how would he confess to Sheng Fenghua?
"Who are you?" The lesbian asked coldly after being stopped again and again, very displeased.

"I'm the person in charge of this store, Feng Rui." Feng Rui smiled and introduced himself.

"Are you the person in charge?" The lesbian looked Feng Rui up and down, somewhat disbelieving what he said.

At this time, Feng Rui took out a business card from his body, handed it to the other party and said, "This is my business card, if you have anything to do, you can contact me."

After receiving the card, the lesbian believed Feng Rui's words, and said, "We are from the Quality Supervision Bureau, and my surname is Huang. As for the phone number, I think you should know."

After finishing speaking, the lesbian took a look at Feng Rui and Si Zhanbei, and left with her subordinates.

Outside the pharmacy, Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen were sitting in the car. Zeng Wen was already a little anxious as he watched Ah Cai and his two men go in and didn't come out for a long time.Later, when I saw people from the Public Security Bureau coming, I became even more anxious.

On the other hand, Bai Feifei couldn't see any joy or anger on her face, her eyes kept falling on the door of the pharmacy, waiting for Sheng Fenghua to be arrested.

But time passed little by little, Sheng Fenghua not only was not arrested, even the people from the Public Security Bureau did not come out.As for the people from the Quality Supervision Bureau she was looking for, they came out, but they couldn't see any results from their faces.

Only then did Bai Feifei panic.She looked at Zeng Wen at the side and asked, "Zeng Wen, is the person you are looking for reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable. Feifei, why would you ask such a question?" Zeng Wen looked at Bai Feifei with a puzzled expression. Both Ah Cai and the two brothers were reliable people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask them to do business.

"They haven't come out yet. I'm worried that something will happen." Bai Feifei expressed her worries, and Sheng Fenghua pulled her back again and again, causing a shadow in her heart.

"Why don't we go in and take a look?" Zeng Wen suggested, looking at Bai Feifei's worried expression.In fact, he said that those people were reliable, but he was also worried in his heart.

Now, they sit here and don't know what's going on inside.If things go wrong, they don't know.

Bai Feifei listened to Zeng Wen's words, thought about it, and finally nodded.

She couldn't see Sheng Fenghua being arrested, and she didn't see her own people coming out. If she didn't go in and take a look, why wouldn't she feel at ease?

However, what Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen didn't know was that the reason why the comrades from the Public Security Bureau didn't come out was because they were interrogating the two men.

Although Si Zhanbei had knocked them out before, he was very measured.They woke up shortly after security took them down.

Just here, the people from the Public Security Bureau also came.

Seeing the people from the Public Security Bureau, the two men immediately panicked and frightened.

They never thought that Sheng Fenghua would call the police.

 Sorry for the lateness.Of course, I got motion sickness in the car yesterday, and I slept for a long time today, so I feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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