Chapter 238
For the police, they have an instinctive awe, so without waiting for the people from the Public Security Bureau to speak, they said everything that should be said and should not be said.

After hearing the confessions of the two, the police officer who led the team immediately ordered his two subordinates, "Take a few people to the place they said to see if the car and the people in the car are still there?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Seeing that the people from the Public Security Bureau went to arrest people, the security captain also ordered a few security guards to go with the people from the Public Security Bureau, so as not to let people run away.

However, when the people from the Public Security Bureau found the car, there was no one in it.They had to leave one person guarding the car, and the others went back to report to the team leader.

Besides, the security captain, after hearing the confessions of the two men, immediately found Si Zhanbei and told him the person behind it.

When the security captain was talking about Bai Feifei, Si Zhanbei saw Bai Feifei and a man coming in through the gate.

Seeing the two, Si Zhanbei immediately identified the man as Zeng Wen, Zeng Qing's son.It's just that what he didn't expect was that just after solving an old man, his son appeared again.

It seems that this Bai Feifei really will not let Zeng Qingkeng die, and will not give up.I don't know if Zeng Qing would vomit blood if he knew his son and helped Bai Feifei deal with Sheng Fenghua behind his back.

Last time, he only wanted [-]% of Zeng's shares, but this time, [-]% is not a solution.

"Go and tell the comrades of the police that those two people are already in the store, just let them come in and arrest them." Si Zhanbei ordered the security captain, and walked towards Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen by himself.

Since they came to the door by themselves, nothing can make them run away.

Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen entered the pharmacy, and immediately looked around.They were looking for Ah Cai and the two men.

But after a lap, let alone a human figure, I didn't even see a ghost.

"Where's the person?" Bai Feifei frowned, looking at Zeng Wen beside him.Not only did they not see the three of them, nor did they even see any of the comrades from the Public Security Bureau, but the shop was in order, and there was no sign that something had happened.

what on earth is it?

What about Ah Cai?

As a doctor, Bai Feifei was very clear about Ah Cai's situation at that time.He was definitely poisoned, and he wouldn't live long.

But now, Ah Cai is gone, even the two people who sent him in are gone.

Where did they go?

Bai Feifei was thinking about it when a waiter walked up to them and asked with a smile, "Are the two of you here to visit our pharmacy?"

Hearing the voice, Bai Feifei was startled, came back to his senses, and said with some embarrassment: "I heard that the medicine in your pharmacy is good, let's come and have a look."

"That's it, this way, please!" The waiter smiled and led the two to the medicine display cabinet.

Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen looked at each other, and followed behind the waiter.

Si Zhanbei watched the two being taken to see the medicine, stopped in his tracks, and stood aside, waiting for the comrades from the Public Security Bureau to arrive.

Bai Feifei and Zeng Wen followed the waiter, looking at the medicines on the display shelf, while talking to the waiter.

"There's something wrong with the atmosphere in this store. Did something happen?" Bai Feifei looked at the waiter with a smile on his face and asked casually.

When the waiter heard this, he became vigilant and said, "Ma'am, you are joking. What is the atmosphere wrong? You are too sensitive."

"Really?" Bai Feifei was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect the waiter to be so vigilant, and even said that she was sensitive.

She is so sensitive, she is in a hurry when the person who should be in the pharmacy is missing.

(End of this chapter)

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