Chapter 258
"Since you want to know so much, then it's as you wish." The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face became a bit thicker, and he shouted at Dayong who was still guarding outside the lounge door: "Dayong, bring Ah Cai out .”

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's order, Dayong pushed open the door of the lounge, and said to Ah Cai who was resting inside: "Ah Cai, Boss Sheng wants to see you."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Ah Cai, who was resting on the bed, heard that Sheng Fenghua wanted to see him, got up quickly, and walked out with Dayong.

The people in the lobby, although they knew that Ah Cai was still alive from Sheng Fenghua's words, they still held a dubious attitude.Their eyes fell on the door of the lounge together, waiting eagerly for Ah Cai to come out.

Soon, the figures of Dayong and A Cai came out from the lounge.

Because Ah Cai's body has not yet recovered, he was supported by Dayong.When the people who witnessed the whole incident saw Ah Cai standing beside Dayong alive, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Isn't this person dead?Why are you still alive?

"My God, that man is really alive."

"Yeah, it's amazing."

"I remember that when he was brought here, he was said to be dead."

"What kind of rhythm is this, bringing the dead back to life?"

"My God, Mr. Sheng's medical skills are too good, right? It's almost against the sky."

Hearing everyone's praise for him, Sheng Fenghua smiled lightly, then signaled everyone to be quiet, and said, "Everyone, listen to me."

When everyone heard Sheng Fenghua's words, they fell silent and looked at her with burning eyes, wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Everyone, my medical skills are not what you say. I'm not a fairy, I'm just an ordinary person. I can't do things like bring the dead back to life. As for why Ah Cai is still alive, it's because he was poisoned and fell into a trap. I was in shock. And I was treated in time, so I saved my life."

Sheng Fenghua is not a person who likes to show off. Although her medical skills are very good, she doesn't want to be deified.

She is just one of many doctors, and she is more proficient in her specialty.So, she stood up on purpose, saying this because she didn't want to cause too much trouble in the future.

If it is true that she can bring the dead back to life as these people said, if everyone believes it is true, then anyone who dies will come to her in the future, and it will be troublesome.

Although Sheng Fenghua's words made everyone no longer think that her medical skills were superb, they still admired her.They all said that they would be sick in the future, and they only asked Sheng Fenghua to see them.

Sheng Fenghua could only laugh at what everyone said.

After solving everyone's doubts and seeing Ah Cai in real life, the reporters didn't stay too long, and left one by one with satisfactory answers.

As soon as the reporters left, the spectators also left one after another.But before leaving, someone wanted to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but Sheng Fenghua was unwilling to sell it.

Before, although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine that many of these people would suspect that there was something wrong with the medicine in her pharmacy, so they would not buy it, or would ask for a refund.

Now, the truth of the matter is clear, if they want to buy medicine again, it is not so cheap.

These medicines are her painstaking efforts, and they are sold at a reduced price today because of the opening of the business.Since these people don't know good from bad, why should she fulfill it?
Although everyone felt a little regretful that Sheng Fenghua would no longer sell medicine, they didn't think too much about it.Only when one day in the future, the medicines in Sheng Fenghua's pharmacy sold for sky-high prices, these people would regret it.

Of course, this is something.

(End of this chapter)

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