Chapter 259

It's getting late to solve Bai Feifei's matter.The reception had already started, and Dean Yang called several times to remind him.Sheng Fenghua then hurriedly explained a few words to the staff in the store, and then, together with Si Zhanbei, took the rest of the guests to the reception.

The place of the reception is not far from Sheng Fenghua's company. It's two streets away. It takes a few minutes to drive and it doesn't take long to walk.

However, the group still chose to drive.After all, it is more convenient to have a car.

When Sheng Fenghua brought everyone into the reception venue, Dean Yang was the first to greet her, looked at her and said, "Sheng girl, what are you putting on today, you actually released our pigeons for such a long time. Should I punish myself with three cups?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's my fault for keeping Dean Yang and the professors waiting for a long time. I punish myself with three glasses." Sheng Fenghua laughed and gestured to the waiter who was carrying the red wine.

The waiter came over, Sheng Fenghua reached for a glass of wine and was about to drink it.A big hand stretched out, took the wine in her hand, and said, "I'll drink it for you."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei directly drank the red wine that Sheng Fenghua had just held in his hand.

He finished drinking, and Dean Yang couldn't react.

"Zhan Bei, you?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei, not knowing what to say.She knew that Si Zhanbei was doing it for her own good, and she didn't want her to drink, for fear that she would feel uncomfortable when she got drunk.But this is red wine, so I won't get drunk at all, okay?Moreover, her drinking capacity is not bad, it's just that Si Zhanbei doesn't know it.

At this moment, Dean Yang came to his senses, and he was not angry about Si Zhanbei drinking instead of Sheng Fenghua. Wine, it’s not three cups, but doubled.”

"Okay, Dean Yang is an elder, what are you talking about." Si Zhanbei readily agreed, as long as Sheng Fenghua is not allowed to drink the wine, let alone double it, he will drink it even if it is doubled.

"Okay, Battalion Commander Si is refreshing." The smile on Dean Yang's face deepened, and he personally took the wine glass from the waiter and handed it to Si Zhanbei.

As expected, Si Zhanbei kept his word and drank six glasses of red wine in a row before stopping.

After punishing Sheng Fenghua wine, Dean Yang brought Sheng Fenghua to Professor Ouyang and the others.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, the professors greeted her warmly and introduced their friends to her.

Sheng Fenghua invited a lot of people to this reception.In business, in politics, in medicine.But she doesn't know most of them.

Fortunately, Dean Yang and Jun Nianchen are here.Sheng Fenghua didn't know each other, but they did, so they introduced Sheng Fenghua one by one.

The reception was held successfully, and by the end of it, Sheng Fenghua had recognized all the important people invited.

After seeing off the last batch of guests, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were also preparing to leave and go home.But at this time, Si Zhanbei's phone rang.

After answering the phone, Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua with an apologetic face, and said, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I have a mission and I can't send you back."

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Sheng Fenghua was a little disappointed, but he still waved his hands with a smile and said, "It's okay, I'll just go back by myself, you can go and do your work."

Si Zhanbei went forward and gave Sheng Fenghua a hug, then left reluctantly.

Watching Si Zhanbei leave, Sheng Fenghua then turned and walked towards his car.

But at this moment, a tall figure rushed out, blocking her way.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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