ace warm marriage

Chapter 400 There are chasing soldiers after

Chapter 400 There are chasing soldiers after
"Don't rest, what if the police come after you?" The old cat glanced at the knife boy who was sitting on the ground, and reminded.

Although, when they left, it was very smooth.But the police didn't cover it, so they would definitely know that they had entered the mountain.

Therefore, they must rush to Putou Town as soon as possible, otherwise they will be wiped out by the commando in this mountain forest in minutes.

As long as they arrive at Putou Town, it will be different.That town has a lot of people, and there are all kinds of people. Even if the police catch up to the town, it is not easy to catch them.

In that small town, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do.As long as money is given, there are some people who dare to confront the police.

"The old cat is so heavy and it's not easy to walk. I'm almost exhausted. Just let us have a rest, not much, just 10 minutes."

"I can't rest. Once I rest, I don't want to leave." The old cat refused without thinking.He is quite experienced in mountain walking, and he knows that the more he rests at this time, the more tired he will be, and he will not even want to move at the end.

And now they are at least two hours away from the small town in front of them. If they don't hurry, they will be in trouble if they are caught up by the police.

Needless to say, this ticket was for nothing, and my life might be in danger.

"Old cat, aren't you too unreasonable?" Dao Zai looked at the old cat sadly, and he didn't want to leave at all.

He is usually a driver when he goes out, and asking him to go on a mountain road is simply killing him.

"I'm not human?" The old cat gave Daozi a blank look, and said, "If you want to be caught, go to jail, or even get shot, just rest."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Dao Zai and said to the others: "Let's go, it's important to hurry."

Although the others wanted to stop and take a rest, they didn't dare to rest when they thought that the police might be chasing them from behind.In any case, it's still important, isn't it?
So, everyone left, leaving Daozai sitting there alone for a while, then stood up resignedly, and chased everyone.

Seeing Daozai catching up, the old cat nodded in satisfaction.In any case, cherish your life to live a long time.

The criminals continued on their way, but they didn't know that members of the Black Panther Commando had already chased after them, less than half an hour away.

However, those criminals were also smart and left people behind to watch.

So, when the lookout behind found the trace of the Black Panther commando, he immediately called and told the old cat.

When the old cat heard that the pursuers were coming, his expression was a little bad, and he said to his accomplices: "The police are chasing us, we have to speed up."

"Ah, I need to speed up, my two legs are almost useless." Knife boy yelled when he heard this.He still wanted to rest, why did the police catch up?

"You can also choose to stay." The old cat said displeasedly, and then said to the others: "There is another way, that is to hide, and we will leave after the police pass by. But in this case, they will be better than us." Go to Putou Town first. When we arrived, we happened to be arrested."

"Then let's speed up." After hearing this, everyone immediately made a choice.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the old cat nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Don't worry, there should be someone who will respond to you in front, and we can hand over the things to them when the time comes, so we don't have to be so tired."

When Dao Zai heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Old cat, why didn't you say it earlier? Really, go quickly."

After finishing speaking, Dao Zai took the lead to go to the front.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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