ace warm marriage

Chapter 401 Putou Town

Chapter 401 Putou Town
"Let's go!" The old cat said, and took another step, rushing forward.

After walking for about 10 minutes, I finally met the person who the old cat said was the answer.They were a few people dressed as farmers. If the old cat hadn't known one of them, they would never have thought that these farmers who were carrying baskets like them were the ones who would take care of them.

However, for the sake of safety, the old cat still gave them a signal before handing over the things on their backs to them, and then took the empty backpacks from those people and carried them on their backs.

The burden was lightened, and the speed of the group increased a lot. When the panther led his comrades to catch up, they had just entered Putou Town.

Putou Town is a small town with only forty or fifty aboriginal families, but there are countless outsiders.This makes this small town in the mountains extremely lively and prosperous.

Si Zhanbei and his party arrived in the town an hour earlier than the criminals.They found an inn to live in, and then quietly watched the entrance of the town, waiting for the target to appear.

An hour later, a group of farmers with baskets on their backs appeared.Hu Dongyang, who was guarding the intersection, frowned slightly, and became suspicious of these people.

So, after these people entered the town, he immediately contacted Si Zhanbei with a headset, and said, "Captain, a group of people have entered the town. I suspect they are our targets. They are carrying baskets on their backs, trying to find a way to confirm what's inside." thing."

"I see!" After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he immediately gave the fox a task, asking him to find a way to get close to the group of people carrying the baskets and confirm what was in their baskets.

The fox took the lead, pretended to be a pedestrian in a hurry, and walked towards the group of people who had just entered the town.

It's just that as soon as he approached, the other party became vigilant, carefully guarding the things in the back basket.

The fox's mission failed. After walking to the end of the town, he reported to Si Zhanbei: "Captain, the other party is very vigilant, and the failure is confirmed."


Si Zhanbei was standing in front of the window of the inn, and he had already seen what happened before.He became more and more suspicious of that group of people, and then asked Liu Wang to follow them and see where they lived.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's anti-reconnaissance ability is also very strong, and Liu Wang's follow-up also failed.

As a result, several of their actions failed, and Si Zhanbei couldn't help being a little annoyed.So after thinking about it, he called Sheng Fenghua who was resting, and decided that the two of them would dress up as a couple and wander around the town to see if they could meet those people.

When Sheng Fenghua heard that he had a mission, he quickly got up from the bed, put on a skirt, and went out to visit the town with Si Zhanbei.

The town looks small, but there are many roads, and it is easy to get off the road with many turns and turns.Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua held hands, walking around like ordinary couples, trying to find out the whereabouts of the group.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that they were also under the surveillance of others.And their target person is not far from them, in a local house.

One of the people who took care of Lao Mao and them before was the original resident of Putou Town.

Because the other party is an aborigine, it is easy to tell who is a foreigner at a glance.Moreover, he has been doing business on the road, so he has certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Before, whether it was the fox's approach or Liu Wang's stalking, he had discovered it, which led to the failure of the two missions.

 The fourth watch is over!Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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