ace warm marriage

Chapter 412 Put the gun down

Chapter 412 Put the gun down
If Sheng Fenghua said his name before, and the person who responded, that is, Huaqiang, was just a little accidental, then after hearing these words, he was shocked, looked at Sheng Fenghua as if he had seen a ghost, and asked: "You , who are you?"

Everyone on the road knows that he is a bachelor, has no wife, and no children.But in fact, he has a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter.

This is a secret among secrets, except for himself, only two or three people know about it.

But the female soldier in front of him knew, how could this not shock him?

"Want to know who I am?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Hua Qiang lightly, and then said, "If you want to know, put the things down first."

Huaqiang hesitated for a moment, but finally put the things down.

But at this time, a young man next to him suddenly spoke up and said, "Brother Qiang, don't listen to her, she must be lying to you. Brothers have always known that you are not married, but she dared to say that you are married." What wife and daughter, isn't this a joke?"

"Shut up!" Hua Qiang, who was always good-tempered, suddenly yelled, which startled everyone.Until this moment, they felt as if they didn't know the man in front of them.

"Who the hell are you?" After scolding the other party, Hua Qiang's eyes fell on Sheng Fenghua again.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Huaqiang calmly, and then made a strange gesture.Seeing that gesture, Hua Qiang was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

How can it be?Isn't she dead?How is it possible to be alive?Moreover, she turned out to be a soldier now?
What is going on here, what is going wrong?

Seeing Huaqiang's dazed look, a smile slowly appeared on Sheng Fenghua's face.

Seeing that familiar smile, Hua Qiang was finally sure that Sheng Fenghua in front of him was the person he was familiar with, the person who saved the lives of his family.

When Sheng Fenghua saw Hua Qiang recognized him, the smile on his face widened.

If she hadn't heard Huaqiang's voice, she would not have recognized him at all.Because at this time, Hua Qiang was no longer the shy man who knelt down and begged her to save him. He was already a mature and stable man who could stand alone.

No wonder there was a powerful figure among Si Zhanbei's targets before, and it turned out to be Hua Qiang.

"What's the situation?" Whether it was Lao Mao and his party, or Qin Feng and Black Panther, they were very surprised to see that Sheng Fenghua knew Hua Qiang.

However, Qin Feng's accident, and Black Panther and the others couldn't.In Qin Feng's accident, there was more suspicion.He knew very well about Sheng Fenghua's life experience.

She is a girl from the countryside, so how could she know someone on the road like Huaqiang?unless……

Qin Feng didn't want to think about it anymore, he quickly stopped this thought.Sheng Fenghua is not only their comrade in arms now, but also Si Zhanbei's wife, he can't doubt her.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately ordered secretly to the soldiers behind him, saying: "Go and control them."

The soldiers took orders and approached the old cat and his party.

At this time, Lao Mao and the others also recovered from the shock, quickly picked up the gun that was originally on the ground, and pointed it at the soldiers.

This change made Hua Qiang and Sheng Fenghua frowned at the same time.

"The old cat put down the gun." Hua Qiang looked at the old cat and said.

"Put it down?" The old cat sneered, pointed at Hua Qiang's nose, and said, "What kind of respondent, so you are an undercover agent for the police. Even if we were blind, we didn't discover your true face earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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