Chapter 413
As soon as the old cat said this, Hua Qiang's subordinates were not happy, glaring at him and said: "Don't talk nonsense here, how could our brother Qiang be an undercover agent for the police. If brother Qiang was an undercover agent, you would have been arrested. You can talk nonsense here."

"That's right, you don't go to the Tao to inquire about it. Our brother Qiang is a famous middleman on the road. After our brother Qiang takes over, both people and goods are extremely safe."

It's not that the old cat has never heard of Huaqiang's reputation, but now he actually met the female soldier, which made him lose his mind. He couldn't help but look at Huaqiang and said, "What do you say about this today?"

"I have nothing to say." Hua Qiang said lightly, the matter between him and Sheng Fenghua was unclear.What's more, he didn't need to tell an outsider about his private affairs.

"Look, he still said he wasn't an undercover agent, without even an explanation." The old cat became frantic again, and even turned the gun around, pointing at Huaqiang.

"Put down the gun." Qin Feng and others were surprised when they saw that the target person was about to carry it, and at the same time worried about the cultural relics, they loaded the bullet in an instant.

Lao Mao was unwilling to let go of the gun, and neither did his subordinates.Especially Dao Zai, but it was the first time to go out with Lao Mao and the others on a mission, and it was also the first time to touch a gun.Therefore, his hands were shaking, but he still held onto the gun tightly.

"Say it again, put the gun down." The panther spoke again, walking towards the old cat and the others while talking.

"Don't come over!" Seeing the panther's movement, the old cat took a step back and pointed a gun at him.

Black Panther frowned, looking at the old cat thinking of a solution.Now that they are close to the border, it cannot be delayed any longer.Otherwise, once that buyer arrives, they'll have another tough fight.

Sheng Fenghua was also thinking of a solution, thinking that Huaqiang was the leader of these people.Now it seems that she has made a mistake.

In this case, we can only catch the thief and the king first, and get rid of the old cat first.

Sheng Fenghua thought about it, and suddenly smiled at the old cat, and said, "Do you know what the charge is for assaulting the police? You should have a wife and children at home, right? You don't want to see them being helpless and being bullied by others, right? ? Or, do you want to watch your wife marry another man with your property, and then watch others abuse your child?"

Hearing this, the old cat's eyes shook violently, obviously shaken.

Sheng Fenghua saw the change in his eyes, and continued: "Think about your wife and children, and think about what they would do if something happened to you?"

The old cat followed Sheng Fenghua's words and thought about it.When he thinks that if he dies, his wife and children will be bullied by others, and that his wife may marry another man, he can't stand it.

So his hand with the gun dropped.At this time, Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and took the gun from the old cat's hand.

At the same time, the comrades shot at the same time and handed over the guns in the hands of others.

After handing over the guns, Hei Panther and others also stepped forward, took out the backpacks, and put them in the safe area.

In this way, this group of criminals will be caught.Qin Feng asked the team members to escort them towards the border detachment.

Now, if they are arrested, they will still be taken back for interrogation and sentencing.They had to go to the border detachment and wait for the corresponding plane to arrive.

But at this time, Si Zhanbei still didn't come back, which made everyone worried again.

"Qin Feng, take your people and withdraw first, I'll go find Zhan Bei." Sheng Fenghua was worried, so he decided to look for it.Now she was worried that Si Zhanbei was injured, so she had to find him as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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