ace warm marriage

Chapter 424 Transit Tracking

Chapter 424 Transit Tracking
After the silver needle was stuck, the soldier's breathing became much more stable, and his heartbeat also became stronger. Only then did Sheng Fenghua start to take the bullet.

When the commando next to him watched Sheng Fenghua go down with a few injections, his comrades breathed and their heartbeat became stronger, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked at it with surprise.At the same time, I was rejoicing in my heart, fortunately Sheng Fenghua was there, otherwise the life of my comrades in arms would be delayed by them.

After taking out the bullet, Sheng Fenghua and the commando made the same explanation before going to Si Zhanbei.

"They escaped again?" Sheng Fenghua asked with a frown as he looked at Qin Feng who was in a panic.

"Yeah, let them escape again." Qin Feng looked frustrated.Just now he was discussing with Si Zhanbei what to do?

Injured so many comrades-in-arms, but let the opponent escape.

"What are your plans now, should you go to the border detachment to replenish ammunition first, or go directly to the border?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked.

If they cross the border now, it is estimated that they can catch up with each other.But the ammunition on their bodies is almost used up, and they have to replenish the ammunition first.

"What do you think?" Si Zhanbei didn't answer Sheng Fenghua, but asked her opinion.He knew that Sheng Fenghua used to be a mercenary killer and was often active outside, and she was more aware of some black areas.Like the black market or something.

"I think we should cross the border as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for us to recover the things once the other party finishes the transaction."

"But what about the ammunition?" Qin Feng couldn't help asking, there are only weapons, and it's useless to go without ammunition.In case of a fight, if there is no ammunition, wouldn't that mean death?
"Isn't there a saying, there are no guns, no cannons, the enemy built them for us. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, don't worry. Let's cross the border first and find their traces."

Qin Feng felt that Sheng Fenghua was a little too naive, and was about to say something, but Si Zhanbei agreed directly, saying: "Okay, I will do as you say."

Si Zhanbei knew that there must be a way for Sheng Fenghua to say this.Moreover, she was right, the item had to be snatched back before the other party traded.

"Zhanbei..." Qin Feng looked at Si Zhanbei, trying to persuade him to think twice.No, Si Zhanbei waved his hand directly and said, "I know what you want to say, I know it well."

Having made a decision, Si Zhanbei and the others didn't delay any longer, picked out a few uninjured and strong combat players, and went directly to chase Lao Mao and the others.

As for the rest, they escorted the injured Panthers to the border detachment.

This time, there were not many people who followed Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua and the others to chase the old cat. There were six people, and with Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, there were only eight people in total.They are: Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua, Qin Feng, Hu Dongyang, Liu Wang, Fox, the sniper Gangzi of the sudden team, and another soldier named Chen Song.

Sheng Fenghua led the way, and the eight of them did not follow the old cat's escape direction to chase, but directly crossed the border and arrived at country D.

Country D is a relatively backward country with constant wars.There, human life is worthless at all. If you die, you will die. No one will track down the murderer, and no one will go to jail because of it.Therefore, many criminals who fled from other countries gathered there.

When entering the border of country D, in order not to attract the attention of others, the eight of them deliberately dressed up in disguise.

Across the border, they came to the town of Cairo.Kailuo Town is the nearest town to Huaguo, and it only takes two hours to get to Huaguo.

Sheng Fenghua led everyone into Kailuo Town with ease, and then found a hotel to stay in.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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