Chapter 425
"Zhan Bei, you guys rest first, I'll go out and find out about the situation." Sheng Fenghua said to Si Zhanbei after completing the check-in procedures.

"I'll go with you." Si Zhanbei said without thinking.He was worried that Sheng Fenghua would go out alone, after all, it was too messy here.

"No need, I'll go alone. You should rest well first. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Trust me!" Sheng Fenghua knew that Si Zhanbei was worried about her, so he followed her.

However, she is quite familiar with this place. She has been here several times in her previous life, so she knows some people here.Of course, it's not that she has something to hide from Si Zhanbei, but it's more convenient for a single woman to do things.

"Daughter-in-law, be careful!" Si Zhanbei didn't insist, stepped forward to give her a hug, and whispered something in her ear.

"Don't worry!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, then withdrew from Si Zhanbei's embrace and left the hotel.

When Sheng Fenghua left, Qin Feng finally couldn't help it, took Si Zhanbei back to the room, and expressed his doubts.

"Zhan Bei, how much do you know about Sheng Fenghua?"

"What do you want to say?" Si Zhanbei looked at Qin Feng indifferently, his eyes darkened.

My good brother actually doubted his daughter-in-law. If Sheng Fenghua hadn't confessed to him early in the morning and told her her identity, he might have doubted it too.

"She's a little strange, didn't you notice?" Qin Feng knew that it was not good for him to do so.But for Si Zhanbei, for the Wolf Warriors, and for the safety of his comrades, he still said it.

"Well, there are some special things." Si Zhanbei nodded, Sheng Fenghua sometimes seemed very mysterious, and seemed to know a lot of things that they didn't know.

Hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Qin Feng's worries about him eased a lot.Secretly said: It seems that Si Zhanbei also found out.That's okay, otherwise he would really suspect that Si Zhanbei was fascinated by Sheng Fenghua, and his mind was not working properly.

"You never doubted her?" Qin Feng asked, causing Si Zhanbei's face to change, and he said seriously: "Qin Feng, you are not only my comrade in arms, but also my good brother. Some words, I'll just tell you once, Fenghua is my daughter-in-law and your sister-in-law, you shouldn't doubt her at any time."

"Zhan Bei, you?" Qin Feng's expression also changed, he didn't expect Si Zhanbei to care about and protect Sheng Fenghua so much.What if Sheng Fenghua was against them, or even a spy sent by others?
"Qin Feng, I understand your kindness. However, there is no need. I know what kind of person Fenghua is. She will not hurt me, nor will she hurt you. On this point, you put your heart in your stomach. As for I also know why she is so special. So, please don't doubt her in the future, no matter what she does. Just remember that she will not harm me, let alone betray her comrades. "

Seeing Si Zhanbei defend Sheng Fenghua so much, and listening to his words, Qin Feng finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.He knew that everyone had secrets, and so did Sheng Fenghua.

Maybe Si Zhanbei knew her secret, so he believed her so much.And he believed in Si Zhanbei.

Since Si Zhanbei trusted Sheng Fenghua so much, he would believe it too.In the future, he will never say such things again, nor will he doubt her again.

Looking up, Qin Feng looked at Si Zhanbei frankly, and said, "Zhanbei, I believe in you! I won't say that again in the future."

"This is a good brother!" Si Zhanbei smiled, stretched out his hand and thumped Qin Feng's shoulder.

The two smiled at each other and said nothing.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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