Chapter 452
After the other party finished the call, Sheng Fenghua laughed and said to Si Zhanbei: "It's our turn to play."

"Indeed!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and then led Zhan Lang's brothers to the place where the dark minister and the others were ambush.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

The secret officials want cultural relics, and they want those who captured him.

Si Zhanbei and his party deliberately took a shortcut, and soon arrived at the place where Anchen and others were ambushing.At this time, the car escorting the cultural relics had not yet arrived, and Si Zhanbei and the others did not move, quietly lurking not far from An Chen and the others.

An Chen and the others focused their attention on the road ahead, but they didn't notice Si Zhanbei and the others behind them.At this time, the secret minister filtered the escape route he had set in his mind again, and felt relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

Si Zhanbei observed the secret minister secretly, he could feel the other party's nervousness.Compared with the nervousness on the side of the dark minister, Si Zhanbei and his party were much calmer.

They are not in a hurry to arrest people now, they will wait until the secret officials and the others make a move.

To arrest people, you have to catch them and get all the stolen goods, right?

Therefore, Si Zhanbei planned to arrest Anchen and others when they started to rob cultural relics.In this way, everyone will get all the dirty, and they will not be able to quibble.

After waiting for a while, the car escorting the cultural relics appeared in everyone's sight.

"Here we come!" Anchen saw the car coming, and after confirming with the photo sent by the dark thread before, he immediately ordered his subordinates: "The car will approach in a while, and I will shoot and blow the tire. You are responsible for escorting the police. ,Understand?"


As the car approached little by little, Anchen raised his gun and aimed at the car's tires.

There was a bang, and the car in front had a punctured tire, and the car stopped.At the same time, the police in the car immediately shot at the place where Anchen and others were lying in ambush.

As soon as the car stopped, the secret minister's men immediately shot at the policeman who was escorting the cultural relics.After a burst of gunfire, Anchen and others rushed up immediately when they saw the policeman fell down.

However, what they didn't know was that these police officers had been wearing bulletproof vests for a long time, and they fell down on purpose, just to lure them into the hook.

The secret minister didn't notice, so he rushed up with his people, walked to the car in the middle with cultural relics, opened the door, and was about to get in the car to remove the cultural relics.

There are not many cultural relics, and they are packed in boxes.Anchen directed his subordinates to carry the things under the car.

The two of them packed a box and got out of the car with their things.

But they didn't want to, they just got out of the car, and before the box was put down, a voice came from their ears: "Put down your weapons and raise your hands."

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, An Chen was startled, and turned around to see Si Zhanbei standing in front of him pointing a gun at him.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that this was a trap by the other party, and his face turned ugly.

"Young Commander, are you plotting against me?"

The secret minister stared at Si Zhanbei, feeling dark hatred in his heart.He was careless, he only wanted to get the cultural relics as soon as possible, and then went to the business, but he forgot to beware of Si Zhanbei.

"Put down your weapon!" Si Zhanbei said indifferently, without answering the minister's words.

"What if I say no?" An Chen looked at Si Zhanbei unwillingly, and his eyes fell on those boxes.He was wondering if Si Zhanbei would let him go if he threatened with these cultural relics.

After pondering for two seconds, the minister decided to take a gamble and said, "The cultural relics are in my hands. If you dare to shoot, I will destroy them."

 One more.I'm not feeling well today, I slept all morning, and I'm only updating now, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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